Mike Berry of Albany, Oregon, was on hand in Viroqua, Wisconsin, to sort through the classes of the Wisconsin Spring Jersey Spectacular.
Judge Mike Berry
Senior & Grand Champion & Best Udder of the Show
Arethusa Action Varsity (4 Year Old) exhibited by Steinridge, Metzger & Peters
Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion
Milk-N-More WJM Connect Vivian-ET (2nd 4 Year Old) exhibited by Kaila & Collin Wussow
HM Senior Champion
K&R Minister Martha (Aged Cow) exhibited by Randy Drinkall & Family
Junior Show Senior & Grand Champion
Milk-N-More WJM Connect Vivian-ET (2nd 4 Year Old) exhibited by Kaila & Collin Wussow
Junior Show Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion
Ratliff Minister Krystal-ET (Select Scott Minister) exhibited by Olivia & Sawyer Brandenburg
First pull of Aged Cows
Aged Cows
1. K&R Minister Martha (Select Scott Minister) exhibited by Randy Drinkall & Family
2. Stars Sequel-ET (Bridon Remake Comerica) exhibited by Woodmohr Jerseys
3. Woodmohr Synergy Lily (Centurion Synergy) exhibited by Woodmohr Jerseys
4. Random Luck K Honesty exhibited by Allison Thompson
5. PJF Jamaica Briella (Bridon Jamaica) exhibited by Dean Peterson
First pull of 5 Year Olds
5 Year Olds
1. Woodmohr Pure Delight (Bridon Remake Comerica) exhibited by Woodmohr Jerseys
2. Demmers Jade Jemini (Giprat Belles Jade) exhibited by Lisa Demmer
3. Rolling River Pretty in Pink (Bridon Remake Comerica) exhibited by Mike & Dan Brasch
4. Cooper Farm G Jameson (Cozz Mr TJ Goal) exhibitedy by Matt Linehan
5. Hollylane Action Jackie (Forest Glen Avery Action) exhibited by Danielle Brown
First pull of 4 Year Olds
4 Year Old
1. Arethusa Action Varsity-ET (Forest Glen Avery Action) exhibited by Steinridge, Metzger & Peters
2. Milk-N-More WJM Connect Vivian-ET (Giprat Belles Connection) exhibited by Kaila & Collin Wussow
3. Ratliff Minister Krystal-ET (Select Scott Minister) exhibited by Olivia & Sawyer Brandenburg
4. Woodmohr Marlo Rosemary (Advancer Ringmaster Marlo) exhibited by Woodmohr Jerseys
5. Random Luck Fantasys Surprise (SC Golddust Paramount Iatola) exhibited by Lisa Caya
Intermediate Champion
Edgebrook Shyster Chelsea (Senior 3 Year Old) exhibited by Mike & Brenda Dilly & Stein-Ridge Jerseys
Reserve Intermediate Champion
Maker Vivitar Gerdy (2nd Senior 3 Year Old) exhibited by Nelson Farm & Tony Kohls
HM Intermediate Champion
Mayerlane Brown Cow Vermouth (Senior 2 Year Old) exhibited by Hannah & Frederick Ullom
First pull of Senior 3 Year Olds
Senior 3 Year Olds
1. Edgebrook Shyster Chelsea (WF Amadeo Shyster) exhibited by Mike & Brenda Dilly & Stein-Ridge Jerseys
2. Maker Vivitar Gerdy (Rock Ella BW Vivitar) exhibited by Nelson Farm & Tony Kohls
3. Townside Fever Natalie (Townside GBJ Rmbo Fever) exhibted by Townside Jerseys
4. Gil-Bar Titan Brass (Valhalla Ringmaster Titan) exhibited by Gil-Bar
5. Townside BRC Vanessa (Bridon Remake Comerica) exhibited by Townside Jerseys
First pull of Junior 3 Year Olds
Junior 3 Year Olds
1. Random Luck Ray Ariel (Maacdairy Region) exhibited by Matthew Thompson
2. Woodmohr First Suspect (Oblong Valley Prime Suspect) exhibited by Woodmohr Jerseys
3. Kyles Gadget Dreamy (Elliots Inspector Gadget) exhibited by Kyle Barlass
4. Kyles Louie Moonlight (Partee at Budjon Jade Louie) exhibited by Janelle Remington
5. GCT Action Hopscotch (Forest Glen Avery Action) exhibited by Jason & Leah James and Londa & Alaina Johnson
First pull of Senior 2 Year Olds
Senior 2 Year Olds
1. Mayerlane Brown Cow Vermouth (Tower Vue Prime Tequila) exhibited by Hannah & Frederick Ullom
2. Milk-N-More Tequila Naomi (Tower Vue Prime Tequila) exhibited by Kaila & Colin Wussow
3. Pfaffs Prairie Tequila Gracious (Tower Vue Prime Tequila) exhibited by Larissa, Jamie & Olivia Pfaff
4. Woodmohr Verbatim Fame (Arethusa Verbatim Response) exhibited by Woodmohr Jerseys
5. Buckland Tequila Lexicon (Tower Vue Prime Tequila) exhibited by Skyler Strandburg & Iris Quinlan
First pull of Junior 2 Year Olds
Junior 2 Year Olds
1. Townside Successor Minie Miami (Billings Governor Successor) exhibited by Townside Jerseys
2. Kyles RM Myra exhibited by Gil-Bar
3. Red Rock View Cari (Oblong Valley Prime Suspect) exhibited by Cora Carpenter
4. Discoverys Governor Gorgeous-ET (Griffens Governor) exhibited by Kevin Kreijci
5. Sanfordale Chance Fondue (Sarahs Second Chance) exhibited by Stadview Jerseys
Junior Champion
Broyden Tequila Vidal-ET (Fall Yearling) exhibited by Linehan Jerseys
Reserve Junior Champion
Aces-Hi Stookeyholm HG Taffy (2nd Fall Yearling) exhibited by Steinridge, Kohls, Covington & Burdette
HM Junior Champion
Gil-Bar Louie Haley (Summer Yearling) exhibited by Gil-Bar
Junior Show Junior Champion
Partee HPDH Verbatim KBD-ET (Winter Yearling) exhibited by Emma Olstad
Junior Show Reserve Junior Champion
Ryans Louie Polly (Spring Yearling) exhibited by Janelle Remington
Junior Show HM Junior Champion
Schulte Bros Tequila Liz-ET (2nd Winter Yearling) exhibited by Steinridge Jerseys & Cole Kruse
First pull of Fall Yearlings
Fall Yearlings
1. Broyden Tequila Vidal-ET (Tower Vue Prime Time Tequila) exhibited by Linehan Jerseys
2. Aces-Hi Stookeyholm HG Taffy (SV Jade Hired Gun) exhibited by Steinridge, Kohls, Covington & Burdette
3. Townside Tequila LC Britany (Tower Vue Prime Tequila) exhibited by Townside Jerseys
4. Edgebrook Tequila Madison (Tower Vue Prime Tequila) exhibited by Dilly & Arthur
5. Ratliff Tequila Achieve (Tower Vue Prime Tequila) exhibited by Nelson Farm & Tony Kohls
First pull of Winter Yearlings
Winter Yearlings
1. Duckett Nabholz Sadie-ET (WF Iatola Shocker) exhibited by Kim & Kari Schlecht
2. Partee HPDH Verbatim KBD-ET (Arethusa Verbatim Response) exhibited by Emma Olstad
3. Schulte Bros Tequila Liz-ET (Tower Vue Prime Tequila) exhibited by Steinridge Jerseys & Cole Kruse
4. Gil-Bar Barron Emma (Stephan Primetime Barron) exhibited by Gil-Bar Farm
5. Ratliff Impression Arlene (Rock Ella Impression) exhibited by Nelson Farm & Tony Kohls
First pull of Spring Yearlings
Spring Yearlings
1. Ryans Louie Polly (Partee at Budjon Jade Louie) exhibited by Janelle Remington
2. Partee HP Lady Bug-ET (Rock Ella Impression) exhibited by Ken & Kathy Elliot & Hillpoint Partners
3. Gil-Bar Giller Becky (Shamrock Giller) exhibited by Gil-Bar Farm
4. Miss Triple-T Showtime exhibited by Shelby Ostrom
5. Partee HP Lovely-ET (Rock Ella Impression) exhibited by Ken & Kathy Elliot & Hillpoint Partners
First pull of Summer Yearlings
Summer Yearling
1. Gil-Bar Louie Haley (Partee at Budjon Louie) exhibited by Gil-Bar
2. Edgebrook Impression McKenna (Rock Ella Impression) exhibited by Patty Dilly
3. Avon Road HG Jolie-ET (SV Jade Hired Gun) exhibited by Oberreich, Stanford & Steinlage
4. Lake Point Premier Venus (Hawarden Imuls Premier) exhibited by Kari Michalovich
5. RM Charlie (Family Hill Ringmaster) exhibited by Nelson Farm & Dan Brasch
First pull of Fall Calves
Fall Calves
1. Discoverys Tequila Jaguar (Tower Vue Prime Tequila) exhibited by Lisa Demmer
2. Bridon BRD Zipper (Bridon Remake Comerica) exhibited by Steinridge Jerseys & Damon Folmar
3. Rolling River Ariel (SV Jade Hired Gun) exhibited by Mike & Dan Brasch
4. Partee HP Tequila Lulu-ET (Tower-Vue Prime Tequila exhibited by Ken & Kathy Elliot & Hillpoint Partners
5. Gil-Bar Encore Lacey (River Valley Evas Encore) exhibited by Janelle Remington
Winter Calves
1. Edgebrook B of Callie (Avonlea CF Great Balls of Fire) exhibited by Dawson Sawyer
2. Norse Star Gamgee 4289 exhibited by Norse Star Jerseys
3. CJL Tequila Rhianna (Tower Vue Prime Tequila) exhibited by Carrie Jo Leum
4. New Heights Celebrity Pistol (Galaxies Celebrity) exhibited by Leah & Jason James, Londa Johnson & Emma Niemier
5. Scho-View Riley Daisy-ET exhibited by Olivia Peter