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Glenview Jersey Dispersal Concludes

It was a cold, snowy, entertaining day in southwest Pennsylvania at the Glenview Jersey Farm Complete Dispersal. A filled tent of bidders, as well as a strong internet bidder showing, made for a lively sale amongst the blowing tent and snow.
Cows on the Snow
The sale averaged $1,758 on 87 head. The cattle went to eight different states, including MI, MD, NY, OH, OR, PA, VA, and WV. Pine Tree Dairy from Ohio was the volume buyer of the day, purchasing 17 head with the aid of internet bidding.

Lot 118

Lot 118 was the high selling lot of the day at $5000. She sold to Madison Manges, Pa., and was an “Incentive” calf from Glenview Comerica Frannie, E-93%.

Lot 17
Lot 17 – Glenview Minister Bailey, VG-88% was the second high selling lot of the day at $4000. She sold to Sam, Angela, and George Colpetzer, Pa.
Glenview Farm
Glenview Farm and Jersey Marketing Service thanks all the supporters of this sale, bidders, buyers and visitors.
--Photos and info courtesy of Jersey Marketing Service
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