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PDPF Raises More Than $260,000 Last Year

The Professional Dairy Producers Foundation has finished its fiscal year strong. Over the past 12 months, the organization raised over $260,000 to help fund projects that make a difference in dairy communities and in the lives of young people pursuing dairy careers.

The largest source of the group's fundraising efforts came from the 'Two Cents' campaign, in which participating dairy producers can designate two-cents per hundredweight of their milk produced to be set aside for the PDPF. That program accounted for 61 percent of the Foundation's income.

The annual 'I Believe' pledges brought in just under 20 percent of the total giving. And the silent auction contributions from the Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin annual meeting accounted for 12 percent. Memorials and grants made up the remainder.

PDPF is the lead sponsor of PDPW's Youth Leadership Derby and other educational programs. It also provides grants to the nation's dairy industry each year to be used for dairy promotion and educational purposes.