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Michigan Holstein Association Holds Annual Meeting

Gathering in the place where hundreds of Holstein enthusiasts will explore the shore in 2018, the Michigan Holstein Association (MHA)held their annual meeting at the Grand Traverse Resort and Spa in the Traverse City area recently to discuss business, recognize breeders and plan for the hosting of the National Holstein Convention, 2018.



Doug Westendorp of Westvale View Farm in Nashville, Michigan, was awarded the coveted MHA Master Breeder award. He was presented with the award by Sherry Meyer and is pictured with his youngest son, Levi. Westendorp said, “It was a complete surprise to me, I had no idea this was coming.” He was quick to give credit to God and to his family for the success of their operation.


Westvale View Dairy Farm consists of approximately 420 Registered Holsteins, 220 cows with another 200 head of youngstock. They recently installed a robotic milking system and supply milk to their creamery where they bottle milk, make cheese, ice cream, butter and other dairy products. They have two stores, MOO-Ville Creamery and The Udder Store where they sell their products and they distribute Moo-Ville Creamery dairy products throughout the state of Michigan. A more detailed story will be featured in the Summer issue of the Michigan Dairy Cattle News.


All-Michigan winners were recognized. Winners in attendance from left: Stan Moser, Steve Reed, Kelly Raterink, Sherry Meyer, Nicole Vanderploeg, Britney Zondlak, Tim Baker.


The 2016 Progressive Genetic Herd Award winners were recognized. Those in attendance were from left: Mark Bontekoe – Mark Bontekoe Dairy Farm; Brian Brunnink-Hidden Hills Dairy;  Doug Westendorp- Westvale View Dairy: Jeff Swanson – Country Dairy.


The 2016 Progressive Breeders Registry award winners from left: Jeff Swanson, Country Dairy; Tim Baker, Star Summit; Darwin Sneller, Starward Farm.


Daniel Brandt of Pennsylvania shared a few thoughts about the National Convention Sale and what the Michigan breeders will be expected to offer as consignments. He also shared about how he got his start in the catalog business.


This room full of expensive boats will be transformed into a sale ring in June of 2018 for the National Convention Sale. Members went on a tour of the hotel to give the planning committee an idea of how the hotel is laid out and the meeting space available for the National Holstein Convention.


The National Convention planning committee for Michigan 2018 

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