PDPW Holding Dairy Robotic Tours on July 15
Farm managers who want to see robotic dairy operations in action are being
invited to take part in a bus tour next month in eastern Wisconsin.
The Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin is coordinating the tours on July
15, where attendees will visit Horsens Homstead Dairy, Shawland Dairy and Olson
Dairy Farms.
The Horsens have 12 Lely A5 robots for 700 cows. Shaland also has Lely A5
robots that milk 130 cows. And the Olsons recently installed 10 Lely A5
machines for their 630 cow dairy.
A bus will pick up interested participants at Shawano Community High School at
9:00 a.m.
For more information or to sign-up, call 800-947-7379 or go to: www.pdpw.org.