The NY Spring Dairy Carousel Milking Shorthorn Show is next in Hamburg, NY. Ryan Krohlow of Wisconsin is serving as the judge.
Thank you to our show coverage sponsors!
Grand Champion of the Open Show- Hard Core Bentley
Runway (Bentley) Chriselle Fisher
Reserve Grand Champion- Gary’s Christos Saffron
(Christos) Glenn McNeil, Allen VanGorder, Graham Rozler
Grand Champion of the Junior Show -Hard Core L Strike
Diamond P (Lucky Strike PP) Olivia Vanevera
Reserve Grand Champion- Tobin Farm Bad Rhonda
(Badger) Cameron Harrington
Senior Champion of the Open Show- Hard Core Bentley
Runway (Bentley) Chriselle Fisher
Reserve Senior Champion- Tobin Farm Bad Rhonda
(Badger) Cameron Harrington
Senior Champion of the Junior Show- Tobin Farm Bad
Rhonda (Badger) Cameron Harrington
1 Hard Core Bentley Runway (Bentley) Chriselle Fisher
2 Tobin Farm Bad Rhonda (Badger) Cameron Harrington
Intermediate Champions - Junior Show
Intermediate Champion of Junior Show- Hard Core L
Strike Diamond P (Lucky Strike PP) Olivia Vanevera
Reserve Intermediate Champion- Jon Ann Delux Rosabean
(Delux) Kyle Bonavita
Senior 3-Year-Old
Senior 3-Year-Old
1 BJ Colors L Strike Noble P( Lucky Strike PP) Brian Nailor
Junior 3-Year-Old
Junior 3-Year-Old
1 Elite HP Justice Fire Fly EXP (Justice) Jeffrey McKissick
Senior Two-Year-Old
Senior Two-Year-Old
1 Gary’s Christos Saffron (Christos) Glenn McNeil, Allen
VanGorder, Graham Rozler
2 Heavenly Looking Good ET (Badger) Landon Neely
3 Jon Ann Delux Rosabean (Delux) Kyle Bonavita
Junior 2-Year-Old
Junior 2-Year-Old
1 Hard Core L Strike Diamond P (Lucky Strike PP) Olivia
Junior Champion Open Show -Woodsey-Dell Iran Chopper
EXP (Liriano) Alora Sprout
Reserve Junior Champion- Merriwin Sombe Bo Allison
(Sombero) Jeffrey Winton & Merrillea Holsteins
Junior Champion of Junior Show- Hillholm Cyride
Saffron-ET (Cyride) Ashlynn Lenker
Fall Yearling
Fall Yearling
1 Big Guns Altime High EXP (Mykola) Madison Fisher
2 Garys Triple Crown Saratoga (Triple Crown) Sarah Hill
3 BJ Colors Comanche Berri (Comanche) Joleigh Nailor
4 Hard Core Ricochet Medallion (Ricochet) Caden & Kendal
Winter Yearling Heifer
Winter Yearling Heifer
1 Woodsey-Dell Iran Chopper EXP (Liriano) Alora Sprout
2 Wingerts Foster Acadia-ET (Foster) Daniel Hosking
3 Hard Core Cyride Secret (Cyride) Kieth and Donnette Fisher
Spring Yearling
Spring Yearling
1 Mar-Leigh Antoinette (Comanche) Mary Sweeney
2 Wingerts Ricochet Vivian (Ricochet) Sarah Hill
3 Lazy M Going On a Bender EXP (Bender) Landon Neely
4 Her-Mill Man Comanch Candy (Comanche) Caden & Kendal
Summer Yearling
Summer Yearling
1 Merriwin Sombe Bo Allison (Sombero) Jeffrey Winton &
Merrillea Holsteins
2 Tobin Farm Dry Ora
(Lotto) Lauryn Irwin
3 Woodsey-Dell AB Rebellious-P (Abner) Maci Crothers
Fall Heifer Calf
Fall Heifer Calf
1 Hillholm Cyride Saffron-ET (Cyride) Ashlynn Lenker
2 Hard Core Lottery Firebug-ET (Lottery) Peter Vail
3 Coldsprings Penalty Lemon Zest (Penalty) Londondale Farm
4 Randy-Brook Comanche Destiny (Comanche) Adelyne Maloney
5 Krauses Mix That Thing (Mixology) Ava Mae Williams
Winter Heifer Calf
Winter Heifer Calf
1 SCA Just Firestarter EXP ET CD (Justice) Ava Mae Williams