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DAT People's Choice Question of the Week: Use Beef Bulls?
Live beef prices in the U.S. have climbed to record highs based on reports from numerous agricultural news sources. These prices have been projected to stay high for the foreseeable future. Beef X dairy cross calves, only a few days old, have reached extremely high price levels as well.

Has the high price of beef X dairy cross calves persuaded you to breed or breed more of your dairy herd to beef bulls? 
Reader Comments
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Commercial Dairyman
November, 24 2023
We have been breeding the top half of our herd (based on genomics) to sexed Holstein semen and the bottom half to beef bulls for years. We have been selling those beef X dairy calves for a premium price for years.
SE Dairyman
November, 20 2023
No, Dairy Replacement prices here are super high as well. Can sell any nice, excess heifers for premium price because they are so hard to find. Which was caused by too many people jumping on the BeefxDairy bandwagon without having a great repro program. Now it's catching up with them. Instead of beefxDairy we should be focused on breeding cows with enough persistence to milk 500 days. Less stress on cows, less transition periods, less semen expenses, less labor for calving crew and the list goes on. Cows have shown that they are capable of producing over 100 pounds per day for 500 days, we should be selecting in that direction.Beef x Dairy is only a good option for producers with EXCELLENT repro programs that have no desire to expand and are in areas with a poor dairy replacement market.