The Supreme Champion Heifers were selected at World Dairy
Expo on Thursday, October 3rd.
After the judge’s deliberations, the Supreme Champion heifer of the
Junior Show is …..the Brown Swiss-
Pit-Crew Collaps Talista (Collaps), L: Allison Foss O: Pit-Crew
Genetics, Cambridge, MN
The Reserve Supreme Champion of the Junior Show is the Red &
White, Red-Violet The North-Red-ET (Warrior), Hailey Abraham & Ella
Spiniolas, Harvard, IL
The Supreme Champion heifer of the Open Show is the Holstein,
Genesee Altitude Leah (Altitude), Doeberiener & Bowen, Conroy, Clarkvalley,
Osinga, West Salem, OH
The Reserve Supreme Champion of the Open Show is the Red
& White, Milksource A Tierney-Red-ET (Architect), Clarkvalley, Pierre
Boulet, Jeff & Jim Butler Woodville, ON