The 2024-25 National Jersey Queen was crowned, and Emma
Townsend of Indiana will reign for the next year with Sophie Bollenbacher as
her first alternate and Emma Vos as her second alternate.
1 LC Reckless Armadillo (Reckless), Lin-Crest, Sophie & Erin Leach & Brent Rocha, Tillamook, OR
2 Smoking Hot Texas Tornado (Joel), Austin Nauman, John Selin & Heartland Dairy, Marshfield, WI
3 MM JOel Flower-ET (Joel), Peter Vail & Budjon Farms, Lomira, WI
4 Stadview Colton Vintage (Colton), Ela May Genetics, Deforest, WI
5 KCJF/Lucky Lady Joel Dreamchaser-ET (Joel), Keightley & Core, Jackson Powers & Frank & Diane Borba, Salvisa, KY
6 MM VIP Flareon-ET (VIP), Misty Meadows Dairy, Tillamook, OR