Pa.— Farmer-owned cooperative Premier Select Sires recently held their annual
meeting and announced a third straight year of record sales. All categories of
the cooperative showed growth, with direct semen sales and product lines
showing the most increase from 2023. Board President Kenny Taylor, a cattle
owner from Tennessee, stated, “We are so thankful to our customers for putting
trust in us to serve them well and our employees for getting the job done.”
Mark Carpenter echoed those statements. “We have seen many new customers
utilize the services and products of Premier in 2024 and that trend continues.
Our growth of over $3.5 million dollars is an 8% increase on 2023 sales. This has
allowed us to add new talented people to our team and reach additional
customers to serve.”
best-selling sires for 2024 at Premier showed a top three of 7HO1508 PARFECT,
7HO14160 LUSTER-P, and 250HO16498 HULU. Vice President of Marketing Kirk Sattazahn
delivered the sales information along with additional comments. Kirk stated, “I
recently celebrated 30 years with the cooperative and I can’t remember a time
when so many good things were happening all at once. I attribute this to a very
talented team that enjoys serving their customers. In addition to the semen
growth, our DTXTM feed additive and CowManager® activity system
had record growth for new adoption.”
has continued to partner with other leaders in the industry to offer a diverse
line of services and herd management products. The cooperative continues to
seek opportunities to help producers achieve new heights in profitability.
welcomes new delegate Ken McCarty who
began service with the 2025 elections. In addition to the new delegate, the
Board of Directors for 2025 will consist of the following leadership team:
President Kenny Taylor, 1st Vice President James Cook, 2nd
Vice President John Edd Harris, Treasurer Mike Saylor, Secretary Kevin
Satterwhite and three Public Directors Tim Riley, Rob Hamaker, and the
aforementioned John Edd Harris.
a strong start to 2025, Premier Select Sires Inc. looks forward to continuing
service to dairy and beef producers in the cooperative membership area.