Supreme Champions have been named in Columbus, OH, at the Ohio Spring Dairy Expo...
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DAT Smug Mug Page for high resolution downloads of the Supreme Champion pictures!
Open Show
Supreme Grand Champion - Holstein
Royalwater Parkavenue Dawn (Parkavenue), Jay Ackley, Ack-Lee
Holstein, Jim & Val Spreng, Bill Lund, East Liberty, OH
Supreme Junior Champion - Guernsey
Wil-San James Dean Tori-ET (James Dean), Cindy
Bates, R-Way Farm, Southington, OH
Junior Show
Supreme Grand Champion - Ayrshire
Toppglen Wishful Thinking (Prime), Tanner, Brennan, Marissa, and
Logan Topp, Toppglen, Sterling, OH
Supreme Junior Champion - Brown Swiss
Brown Velvet Powerball Vail (Powerball), Elaina Lahmers, Marysville, OH