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Last Dairy in Chase County Ensures Show at County Fair

As the owner of the last dairy farm in Chase County, Kansas, dairy farmer Ria Vos has taken it upon herself to provide an opportunity for youth to not only gain experience showing dairy cattle but to teach them about the industry while building their self confidence at same time.

Vos opens her farm gate and lets the kids come in to learn. After gaining permission from the Chase County Fairboard, she ‘leases’ dairy cattle to any youngster who wants to show at the county fair. She begins by halter breaking the cattle enough so the youth can handle them then she matches the individual child with the heifer ensuring a positive experience for each child.

When the youth come to the farm, they work with their animal then wash them and Ria teaches them how to clip. Because they are so inexperienced, Ria does most of the clipping. While at the farm, Ria lets them help bring the cows into the barn and then she teaches them ‘where milk comes from.’

This year Eugene George of Baldwin, Kansas served as the judge and by all accounts did a super job.

While many of the youth are from town and have very little experience or opportunity to work with livestock, Ria also has several kids from beef ranches who want to learn more about showing dairy.

The following are pictures of the youth enjoying success at the county fair.
Eugene George congratulates the kids at the end of the show.
Reader Comments
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August, 18 2011
I was born in the heart of the Flint Hills, Chase County, Kansas and the farm Ria is on now, the Magathan farm, bought some of my Dad's cows when he sold them in 1973. Ria and I have been partners on cattle and everytime I visit with her I am amazed at he total dedication of "her cows" and helping the youth of Chase County. Ria, keep up the great work and know many of us admire you. For without you, not only would Chase County be lost without a voice supporting dairy, but our entire industry would suffer. I don't think it's too early to start -- Ria for President!
Mary Powell
August, 18 2011
I know Ria Vos and have been friends with her for years. She knows her stuff when it comes to dairy cattle and the genetics. I watched that dairy go from a beefy looking dairy cows to the most beautiful show & productive animals you can find. She loves to share her knowledge and thrills to teach kids stuff you can't learn from just reading about dairy. Teaching our youth where milk comes from and how to show the cows, that is a lifetime experience.
August, 18 2011
I think what they did at this fair is great. Our farm has done the same thing for the past couple years. If it wasn't for this there would be no dairy at many county fairs. Job well done