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Midwest Fall National Holstein Show Complete **Pictures Added**
   Chris Hill of Thurmont, MD was on hand in St. Paul, MN to judge the Midwest Fall National Holstein Show at the Minnesota State Fair Wednesday August 31.  Judge Hill was enthralled with the quality, noting during the selection of Grand Champion, "The heifer show was good, but this cow show is phenomenal!"
   In the end, it all boiled down to a cow that he just loved, the 125,000 pound cow.  Rodash-View Durham Jazz exhibited by Rodash-View Holsteins.  Jazz was also named Best Udder  and Best Bred & Owned of the show.  For Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion, Judge Hill selected his winning 4 Year Old, Olmar Roy Beauty, the exhibit of Chandler Kurth.
   In selecting his Intermediate Champions, Judge Hill couldn't split his pair of Senior 3 Year Olds, giving Regancrest a sweep.  Intermediate Champion was Grillsdale Magnificent Dundee exhibited by Regancrest and Mark butz, while Reserve was Premier-RCF G Daise, the exhibit of Regancrest.
   During the heifer show, the young Spring Yearling owned by Kyle Natzke walked to the top.  Brookhill Attic Devastation was named Junior Champion.  For Reserve Junior Champion, Hill selected Shiloh USA Avalon 7116, the Winter Calf shown by Ben Powers.
Judge Chris Hill of Thurmont, MD
 Holstein Spring Calves

1.       Tower Ridge Final Cut Jane exhibited by Tower Ridge Farm

2.      Hoese Dundee Bedazzled-ET exhibited by David & Jeremy Hoese

3.      Miss Alexander Dorothy exhibited by Kyra Bue & Gracie Pierson

4.      Stro-Lane San Wonka exhibited by Stro-Lane Dairy

5.      Desthaven-MH Perseus Moray exhibited by Desthaven Holsteins

Holstein Winter Calves

1.       Shiloh USA Avalon 7116 exhibited by Ben Powers

2.      Majesticview Sevet Lane exhibited by Majestic View Genetics

3.      Fieldstone Royal Audrey-TW exhibited by Orbit Farms

4.      Frisle-Vue Lehros Dashette exhibited by Frisle-Vue Farm

5.      Bevendale Sanchez Avis-ET exhibited by Stro-Lane Dairy


Holstein Fall Calves

1.       Tomkins Mr Burns Hon Sizzle-Red exhibited by Brodie Bunkelman

2.      Kingsmill Atwood Allison-ET exhibited by Stro-Lane Dairy

3.      Pfaffs-WO Titanic Longoria exhibited by Kenneth Pfaff & Wide Open Holsteins

4.      Vanderham Aspen Dyaz-2-ET exhibited by Vanderham Dairy

5.      Ms Hoese Sanchez Elin Woods-ET exhibited by Hoese Holsteins

Holstein Summer Yearlings

1.       MS Hongslo Destry Paisly exhibited by Chris Hongslo

2.      Sheeknoll Bolton Ariana exhibited by Sheeknoll Farm

3.      Charcol Cade Christy 232 exhibited by Joshua Fairbanks

4.      Jerlan Jasper Attitude exhibited by Stranshome

5.      Willows-Edge Sanchez Maggie exhibited by Willows-Edge


Holstein Spring Yearlings

1.       Brookhill Attic Devastation exhibited by Kyle Natzke

2.      Regancrest Contstance-ET exhibited by Regancrest

3.      Willows-Edge Gold Image exhibited by Willows Edge

4.      Punam-Farm Haven Oakley exhibited by Anna Culbertson & Justine Allyn
5.  Kingsway Goldwyn Lebron exhibited by Benner Holsteins

Holstein Winter Yearlings

1.       Jerland SH Laurin Rainbow exhibited by Elginvue

2.      Benner Jasper Radience exhibited by RSC-CH Holsteins

3.      Terra-McCree S Cracker-ET exhibited by Meghan Connelly

4.      Desthaven Redliner Reena exhibited by Desthaven Holsteins

5.      Rainyridge Sanchez Rome exhibited by Holmgren Holsteins
Holstein Fall Yearlings
1.  RJR Sanchez Babe-ET exhibited by Hamlett-Hill Holsetins
2.  KurthHaven Kathy Aspen-ET exhibited by KurthHaven Farms
3.  Terra-McCree Sanchez Cai-ET exhibited by Meghan Connelly
4.  Flower Brook Giddys Gwen-ET exhibited by Flower Brook Holsteins
5.  RSC CH Kite Reza exhibited by RSC-CH Holsteins
 Junior Champion of the Junior Show:  Brookhill Attic Devastation (Spring Yearling) exhibited by Kyle Natzke
Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show:  Shiloh USA Avalon 7116 (Winter Calf) exhibited by Ben Powers
L-R:  Ben Powers with Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show Shiloh USA Avalon 7116, Kyle Natzke with Junior Champion of the Junior Show Brookhill Attic Devastation, Judge Chris Hill
:Line up for Junior Champion 
Junior Champion Brookhill Attic Devastation (Spring Yearling) exhibited by Kyle Natzke
Reserve Junior Champion Shiloh USA Avalon 7116 (Winter Calf) exhibited by Ben Powers
Junior Champion:  Brookhill Attic Devastation (Spring Yearling) exhibited by Kyle Natzke
Reserve Junior Champion:  Shiloh USA Avalon 7116 (Winter Calf) exhibited by Ben Powers
HM Junior Champion:  Regancrest Constance-ET (2nd Spring Yearling) exhibited by Regancrest
 Judge Hill & railbird Norman Nabholz take advantage of the lunch break to catch up
Jersey breeders Randy & Kari Drinkall were honored with the Elgin Award , honoring long-time Holstein Breeder Karl Mueller

Holstein Milking Fall Yearlings

1.       First Glance Golden Amethyst exhibited by First Glance Holsteins

2.      Sch-TJ Hurricane Eloquent exhibited by Quintin Scott & Brooke Pollema, Scha-TJ Holsteins

3.      Chelsea Atlas Roxette-ET exhibited by Hoese Holsteins

Holstein Junior 2 Year Olds

1.       Junlyn Roy Waka exhibited by Regancrest

2.      Tower-Ridge Damion Alexis exhibited  by Tower Ridge

3.      Hendel-Vatland Taryn 2916 exhibited by First Glance, Don Hovden & Gary Quas

4.      Arethusa Talent Vanya-ET exhibited by Kyle Natzke

5.      MacLand Gold Juliet exhibited by Anna & Emma Culbertson

Holstein Senior 2 Year Olds

1.       Blue Horizon Jasper Fortune exhibited by Blue Horizon

2.      Dalin Minister Haley exhibited by Beth Nelson

3.      Lake-Prairie Kite Anika-ET exhibited by Stranshome

4.      Gee-Aye Affirmed Victory exhibited by Gary Blasé

5.      Schillview Gold Goldanne exhibited by Quintin Scott & Charles Schiller, Starlight Acres

Holstein Junior 3 Year Olds

1.       Jerland Goldwyn Adalyn-ET exhibited by Stranshome

2.      Sipka Terrason Diamond-ET exhibited by Doug Post

3.      Willows Edge Talent Ida exhibited by Willows Edge

4.      Willows Edge Talent Dancer exhibited by Willows Edge

5.      Vic-Frms Pontiac 29487-TW exhibited by Troy & Darin Zoellner

Holstein Senior 3 Year Olds

1.       Grillsdale Magnificent Dundee exhibited by Regancrest & Mark Butz

2.      Premier-RCF G Daise exhibited by Regancrest

3.      Deslacs Dundee Dette exhibited by Hoese Holsteins

4.      Coveacres Stormatic Daffy exhibited by Hongslo and Heida

5.      Stuewes Dundee Gabrina exhibited by Flower Brook Holsteins
Line up for Intermediate Champion
Intermediate Champion Grillsdale Magnificent Dundee (Senior 3 Year Old) exhibited by Regancrest & Mark Butz
Reserve Intermediate Champion Premier-RCF G Daise (2nd Senior 2 Year Old) exhibited by Regancrest
Holstein Intermediate Champion: Grillsdale Magnificent Dundee (Senior 3 Year Old) exhibited by Regancrest & Mark Butz
       Holstein Reserve Intermediate Champion: Premier-RCF G Daise (2nd Senior 2 Year Old) exhibited by Regancrest  

Holstein 4 Year Olds

1.       Olmar Roy Beauty exhibited by Chandler Kurth

2.      Cowtown Dundee Olive-ET exhibited by Jason Volker

3.      Hazelholme Gold Starwyn exhibited by Benner Holsteins

4.      Lakecrest Duplex Molly exhibited by Lakecrest Farms, Inc.

5.      Flower Brook SS Deuce Gesin exhibited by Flower Brook Holsteins

Holstein 5 Year Olds

1.       Benner Dundee Korey-ET exhibited by Dana & Maria Johnson

2.      Shadow-W Astro Bianca exhibited by Hoese Holsteins

3.      U-Mo Marsh Kari exhibited by Troy & Darin Zoellner

4.      Johnan Roy Bambi exhibited by Jeremy Schaefer

5.      Gee-Aye Dundee Vehicle exhibited by Gary Blase

Holstein Aged Cows

1.       Rainy Ridge Goodluck MHY exhibited by Optimal Dairy & Rainy Ridge

2.      Blondin Lyster Beauty exhibited by Hoese Holsteins

3.      Willows Edge Dur Michele exhibited by Willows Edge

4.      Regancrest Dundee Anna exhibited by Regancrest & Gloval View

5.      Debello Hills Baby Chanae exhibited by Premium Star


Holstein 125,000LB Cow

1.       Rodash-View Durham Jazz exhibited by Rodash-View Holsteins

2.      Gee Aye Cooper Ezzy exhibited by Glary Blase

3.      Sipka Linjet Sue-ET exhibited by Sipka Holsteins

4.      Astrahoe Raleigh Lee Robust exhibited by Premium Star

5.      Stuewes Linjet Jael exhibited by Stuewes
Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Olmar Roy Beauty (4 Year Old) exhibited by Chandler Kurth
Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Show:  Benner Dundee Korey-ET (5 Year Old) exhibited by Dana & Maria Johnson
Best Bred & Owned of the Junior Show:  Willows Edge Dur Michele
line up for Senior Champion
Senior & Grand Champion  Rodash-View Durham Jazz (125,000lb Cow)exhibited by Rodash-View Holsteins
Left:  Reserve Grand Champion Olmar Roy Beauty, Right:  Grand Champion Rodash-View Durham Jazz
Senior & Grand Champion, Best Udder & Best Bred & Owned :  Rodash-View Durham Jazz (125,000lb Cow)exhibited by Rodash-View Holsteins
Reserve Senior & Rerserve Grand:  Olmar Roy Beauty (4 Year Old) exhibited by Chandler Kurth
Scoopin' poop is hard work!