The Holstein classifier paid a visit to Mish-Ro Holsteins & Jerseys in Atlantic, PA on the 17th of November, with great results.
Highlights for the day included:
Mish-Ro Eisenhower Pheonix VG 85
Mish-Ro Advent Hannah Lynn VG 85
Mish-Ro Advent Sunlight VG 85
Mish-Ro Lheros Vashti VG 85 at 3-0
Mish-Ro Laramie Stormchaster VG 85 at 2-2, a Wedgewood Laramie daughter of Mish-Ro Lheros Stormy, pictured below
Mish-Ro Lheros Stormy raised to EX 92 2E, pictured milked out at this past summer's county fair
Mish-Ro Redman Caroline EX 90 EX 92 MS
Left to right:
Mish-Ro Rampage Carmen Red GP 83
Mish-Ro Sept Storm Chloe VG 86 at 2-2
Mish-Ro Champion Katrina raised a point to EX 91
Mish-Ro Champion Katrina raised a point to EX 91
2nd and 3rd cows from right are Chloe VG 86 and Carmen GP 83