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Natzke & Elliot Capture Top Wisconsin Junior Holstein Honors
An enthusiastic crowd of Wisconsin Junior Holstein members has converged upon Eau Claire, WI to take part in the 2012 Wisconsin Junior Holstein Association Convention.  The convention is being hosted by the Clark County Juniors, and is taking part this last week of 2011 to avoid the holiday weekends and extra time missed from school.
The pinnacle event of the Wisconsin Junior Holstein Association is the Awards Banquet, lauding the accomplishments of youth in the 12 & Under Category, Younger Member Recognition Awards and the Distinguished Junior Members, as well as scholarships doled out to those furthering their educations, the crowning of the new royalty and the the capstone of two deserving young members' careers in the form of the Outstanding Holstein Boy & Girl Awards.
Kyle Natzke of Fond du Lac and Laura Elliot of Marshall were named the 2012 Wisconsin Holstein Boy & Girl.  Laura Finley of Lake Mills was crowned the 2012 Wisconsin Holstein Princess, and Anna Blake of Washara was named the Princess Attendant. 
Friday morning, the Business Meeting was held, with Junior Activities Committee Elections held.  Laura Elliott (SE), Jacob Brey (NE), Willie Coyne (NW) and Katie Wallenhorst (SW) have all completed their terms as JAC's.  Newly elected JAC's are John Klossner (SE), Nicholas Schuster (NE), Ryan Pralle (NW) and Andrea Pagenkopf (SW).  They will join currrent members Brett Hildebrandt (SE), Cara Bieley (NE), Nate Huser (NW) and Katie Wendorf (SW) in directing the Wisconsin Juniors.
Dairy Bowl final rounds were held, as well.  In the Senior Division, Polk County will be representing Wisconsin at the National Convention, and Manitowoc County will represent in the Junior Division.
The Convention kicked off Wednesday with Dairy Jeopardy, Speaking Contests, DJM & Princess Interviews, as well as County Rollcalls, District Caucuses and the state-wide forum, as well as a fun-filled time at Action City. 
Thursday morning saw an exciting round of Junior & Rookie Dairy Bowl contests, which will feature Manitowoc and Dodge Counties in the final round Friday morning.  There is also a variety of displays in the contest room, and the final portion of the Wisconsin Holstein Princess contest were held during the Princess Luncheon, along with more awards handed out to many great Juniors!  Wrapping up an intense Senior Dairy Bowl competition, Polk and Vernon Counties will advance into Friday's final match.
Stay tuned for more updates on the Northwoods happenings!
Thursday evening's Awards Banquet photos....
Outstanding Holstein Boy Kyle Natzke & Holstein Girl Laura Elliott
National DJM Representatives, Seated:  Amelia Cooper and Kayla Wright; Standing:  Kyle Natzke & Stephanie Nagel
2012 Distinguished Junior Members
Standing, 2012 Wisconsin Holstein Princess Laura Finley and seated 2012 Wisconsin Holstein Princess Attendant Anna Blake
2012 National YDJM Representatives, Seated:  Elizabeth Sarbacker and Nicole Wright and Standing:  Jordan Siemers & Katherine Larson
2012 Young Member Recognition Winners
12 and Under Recognition Winners
WHY Leaders of the Year Laura Wackershauser & Kelli Calvert
Wisconsin Holstein Association Board Member, new chairman of the Scholarship Committee, auctioneer, former Junior Member...a man who wears many hats, including green plastic ones...Chad "Skippy" Ryan cried the auction fundraiser for the Scholarship fund to the tune of over $2500.
Laura Elliott tearfully thanks her family after being named Holstein Girl
Kyle Natzke thanked his parents, sister and many friends who have helped him achieve his goals.
And then there are somethings that just make you go "hmmm...."
Scenes from Thursday morning...
Penny War Jugs in the Contest Room
Folding Displays
Art contest entries
Many talented young photographers enter the photography contests
Dairy Bowl fans anxiously await their favorite team's match
Kurt Loehr, Chad Ryan & Kristin Natzke-Olson take their jobs very seriously during the Junior Dairy Bowl contest
Junior Trip Award Winners
Rookie Dairy Bowl competitors are treated to prizes thanks to Corey Geiger & Krista Knigge
A full house on-hand for the Princess Luncheon
Graduating Junior Members on hand for their final Convention as a Junior...thanks for all you have done for the WI Junior Holstein Association!
Speaking Contest Winners from Wednesday
Essay contest winners
Friendships are a big benefit of Junior Membership
Dairy Jeopardy Winners from Wednesday
Scenes from Wednesday...
JAC Chairperson Laura Elliot presides over the Convention on Wednesday afternoon
Clark County Juniors get the Convention off to a Rockin' start!
The Dodge County boys never fail to amuse...
The Booth & Schroepfer kids from Sheboygan & Langlade Counties had the audience laughing with their rendition of "Red Solo Cow"
The JAC's get into the act
Long-Range Production Award Winners
Junior Progressive Breeder Award Winners
And who doesn't love Holsteins here?
Reader Comments
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January, 3 2012
good job kyle
December, 31 2011
Danielle~thanks for the great coverage of the Wisconsin Jr. Holstein Convention! Congratulations to all the Juniors! Thanks to Clark County for hosting the convention!
December, 29 2011
Congrats to Laura & Kyle! Well-deserved!