Marking an item off her "bucket list," Bonnie Mohr, a renowned agricultural artist from Glencoe, MN, unveiled the newest version of the True Type Holstein Cow and Bull. Last updated in the 1970's, Mohr has always dreamed of painting the ideal Holstein cow.
As Mohr entered the room, convention attendees who own and appreciate Mohr's artwork were asked to stand and give her a round of applause to show their enjoyment of her work. This lead to a standing ovation, showing the wide effect Mohr has on the agricultural community.
Bonnie came down to meet with the Breakfast Club early Friday morning to share the process and talk about the new true type models
Bonnie spoke to the meeting attendees about her journey creating the true types, including the fact that she named them "Romeo & Juliet"
The previous true type model
Bonnie enjoys the crowd's reaction to "Romeo," while her husband John admires his wife's work
The true type bull
Bonnie's love for these paintings is very clear
Holstein CEO John Mayer and the Mohr's with "Romeo"
The new true type bull
Bonnie gleams over the unveiling of "Juliet," the new true type cow
And again, you can see her joy in the crowd's reaction
The Mohr's and Holstein CEO John Mayer with the new true type cow
The new true type cow
The new true types