The Wisconsin State Championship Show continues today in Marshfield, WI with Brian Carscadden at the helm to place Wisconsin's finest Holstein cows for the day. Please check back throughout the day for placings and photos from the beautiful Central Wisconsin State Fairgrounds.
Judge Brian Carscadden is ready to place the Wisconsin Championship Cows
2012 Wisconsin State Show Champions, L-R: Peter Vail, Judge Brian Carscadden, Tom Cull, WI Holstein Princess Laura Finley, Kelli Cull with Grand Champion Milksource Goldwyn Africa, Joel Kietzman with Reserve Grand Champion Scientific Gold Dana Rae, John Cull and WI Holstein Princess Attendant Anna Blake
Senior & Grand Champion
Milksource Goldwyn Africa (4 Year Old) exhibited by Peter & Lyn Vail & Budjon Farms, Lomira, WI
Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion
Scientific Gold Dana Rae (5 Year Old) exhibited by Budjon, Kietzman & Woodmansee, Lomira, WI
Best Udder of the Show
Hylite SS Alasandra (2nd Aged Cow) exhibited by Andy Sell & Mitch Immel, Fond du Lac, WI
2012 Wisconsin State Championship Junior Show Champions, L-R: Judge Brian Carscadden, WI Holstein Princess Laura Finley, Crystal Siemers Peterman with Siemers Alisha Gold Ava, Whitney Ebert with Siemers Goldwyn Goldie, WI Holstein Princess Attendant Anna Blake
Senior & Grand Champion of the Jr Show
Siemers Alisha Gold Ava-ETS (125,000 Cow) exhibited by Crystal Siemers-Peterman, Newton, WI
Reserve Sr & Reserve Grand Champion of the Jr Show
Siemers Goldwyn Goldie-ET (Sr 3 Year Old) exhibited by Jordan & Whitney Ebert, Algoma, WI
HM Sr & HM Grand Champion of the Jr Show
Ms Del-Hollow Javent-Red-ET (5 Year Old) exhibited by Kyle Natzke & Kyle Demmer, Fond du Lac, WI
Best Bred & Owned of the Jr & Open Shows
Siemers Alisha Gold Ava-ETS (125,000 Cow) exhibited by Crystal Siemers-Peterman, Newton, WI
First pull of 125,000 Pound Cows
125,000 Pound Cows
1. (BU) Siemers Alisha Gold Ava-ETS (Braedale Goldwyn) exhibited by Crystal Siemers-Peterman, Newton, WI
2. Kelroys Rubens Vivian (STBVQ Rubens) exhibited by Chad & Mark Ryan & Brian Kelroy, Fond du Lac, WI
3. Four-of-a-Kind Best Peg-ET (Hidden View Best) exhibited by Four-of-a-Kind Partners, Hatley,WI
4. Hilrose Canyon Tempo-ET (Canyon-Breeze Storm Atom) exhibited by Ken Moeller, Seymour, WI
5. Brookview-E Looking Good-ET (Regancrest Elton Durham) exhibited by Premium Star, Melrose, WI
6. Woods-Line Durham Faith-ET (Regancrest Elton Durham) exhibited by Cody & Amber Owen, Pulaski, WI
Best Uddered Aged Cow
Aged Cows
1. Luck-E Dundee Jenna (Regancrest Dundee) exhibited by Milksource, Kaukana, WI
2. (BU) Hylite SS Alasandra (Pursuit September Storm) exhibited by Andy Sell & Mitch Immel, Fond du Lac, WI
3. Melarry Atlanta Nancy (MD-Delight Storm Atlanta) exhibited by Jenna Langer, DeForest, WI
First pull of 5 Year Olds
5 Year Olds
1. (BU) Scientific Gold Dana Rae (Braedale Goldwyn) exhibited by Budjon, Kietzman & Woodmansee, Lomira, WI
2. Ms Del-Hollow Javent-Red-ET (KHW Kite Advent-Red) exhibited by Kyle Natzke & Kyle Demmer, Fond du Lac, WI
3. Pyramid Goldwyn Shimmer-ET (Braedale Goldwyn) exhibited by Jordan & Whitney Ebert, Algoma, WI
4. Ernest-Anthony Thriller-ET (EK-Oseeana Apsen) exhibited by Premium Star, Melrose, WI
5. Bur-Wall Buckeye GiGi (R-E-W Buckeye) exhibited by Wallace Behnke, Brooklyn, WI
6. Rock-N-Hill-II LJ Banana-ET (Sunnylodge Linjet) exhibited by Mike & Chris McCullough, Juda, WI
7. Lookout Dundee Loggan-ET (Regancrest Dundee) exhibited by Trent & Travis Schafer & Patrick Johnson, Norwalk, WI
8. B-Long Tootsy-Pop-ET (Picston Shottle) exhibited by Bret Long, New London, WI
4 Year Olds
1. (BU) Milksource Goldwyn Africa (Braedale Goldwyn) exhibited by Peter & Lyn Vail & Budjon Farms, Lomira, WI
2. Oakvale Advent Cinnabar-Red (KHW Kite Advent-Red) exhibited by Milksource, Kaukauna, WI
3. Blondin Jasper Billabing (Wilcoxview Jasper) exhibited by Kyle Natzke & Nick Schuster, Fond du Lac, WI
4. Rose-Lyn Final Cut Crystal (Gillette Final Cut) exhibited by Wallace Behnke, Brooklyn, WI
5. Rob-Cri Strmtic Manitoba (Comestar Stormatic) exhibited by Brianna Adamavich, Plymouth, WI
6. Scientific Darla Rae-ET (Picston Shottle) exhibited by Matthew Nunes, Chippewa Falls, WI
7. Berryridge Goldwyn Absolute (Braedale Goldwyn) exhibited by Natalie Endres, Waunakee, WI
8. Miss Damion Rivalry-ET (Erbacres Damion) exhibited by Wide-Open Holsteins, Alma Center, WI
9. Go-Make Lheros Million (Comestar Lheros) exhibited by Cody Moeller, Seymour, WI
10. Kingsmill Ashlyn Aisha-ET (Wilcoxview Jasper) exhibited by Premium Star, Melrose, WI
2012 WI Championship Show Intermediate Champions, L-R: Judge Brian Carscadden, WI Holstein Princess Laura Finley, Whitney Ebert with Intermediate Champion Siemers Goldwyn Goldie, Tom Cull with Reserve Intermediate Champion Benrise Goldwyn JoJo, John Cull, WI Holstein Princess Attendant Anna Blake
Intermediate Champion
Siemers Goldwyn Goldie-ET (Sr 3 Year Old) exhibited by Jordan & Whitney Ebert, Algoma, WI
Reserve Intermediate Champion
Benrise Goldwyn JoJo (2nd Sr 3 Year Old) exhibited by Peter & Lyn Vail & Budjon Farms, Lomira, WI
HM Intermediate Champion
Mel-Rob Sanchez Milly (Jr 2 Year Old) exhibited by Peter & Lynn Vail & Budjon Farms, Lomira, WI
Sr 3 Year Olds (7)
1. (BU)Siemers Goldwyn Goldie-ET (Braedale Goldwyn) exhibited by Jordan & Whitney Ebert, Algoma, WI
2. Benrise Goldwyn JoJo (Braedale Goldwyn) exhibited by Peter & Lyn Vail & Budjon Farms, Lomira, WI
3. Glendyer Goldwyn Gwen (Braedale Goldwyn) exhibited by Jason & Ami Lasecki, Shawano, WI
4. Luck-E Dundee Blizzard-ET (Regancrest Dundee) exhibited by Trent & Travis Schafer, Norwalk, WI
5. Pfaffsway Aspen Breeze (EK-Oseeana Aspen) exhibited by Larissa & Olivia Pfaff, Alma Center, WI
6. Homtosta Lexicon Ebony (Genervations Lexicon) exhibited by Milksource, Kaukauna, WI
7. Kingsmill DCF Allstar Keyla (Kingsmill Goldwyn Allstar) exhibited by Kayla Krueger, Marion, WI
First pull of Jr 3 Year Olds
Jr 3 Year Olds (14)
1. (BU) Eastside Talent Cam (Ladino Park Talent) exhibited by Premium Star, Melrose, WI
2. Fisherdale Damion Reality (Erbacres Damion) exhibited by Elizabeth Sarbacker, Verona, WI
3. Quad-R Lyman Mustang (Comestar Lyman) exhibited by Ryan & Tanya Smith, Monticello, WI
4. Kellercrest SHTL Bridget-ET (Picston Shottle) exhibited by Kellercrest Reg. Holsteins, Mt. Horeb, WI
5. Rock-N-Hill-II Pro Uno (Windy-Knoll-View Rubens Pro) exhibited by Mike & Chris McCullough, Juda, WI
6. Gleann Goldwyn Reflex-ET (Braedale Goldwyn) exhibited by Milksource, Kaukauna, WI
7. Siemers Goldwyn Glams-ET (Braedale Goldwyn) exhibited by C, J, J, J, C & L Siemers, Newton, WI
8. Woods-Line Linjet Karmen-ET (Sunnylodge Linjet) exhibited by Cody & Amber Owen, Pulaski, WI
9. Miss Advent Lareina (KHW Kite Advent-Red) exhibited by Sabo, Letter, Mell & Jauquet, Green Bay, WI
10. Pfaffsway Dillyn Ritz (Pfaffsway Aspen Dillyn) exhibited by Larissa Pfaff, Alma Center, WI
First pull of Sr 2 Year Olds
Sr 2 Year Olds
1. Budjon-Vail Gold Dreams- ET (Braedale Goldwyn) exhibited by Peter & Lyn Vail & Budjon Farms, Lomira, WI
2. (BU) Wales Vibe Calamity (Emerald-Acr-VR Vibe) exhibited by Milksource Genetics, Kaukauna, WI
3. Vision Gen Scz Whip A770-ET (Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez) exhibited by C, J, J, J, C & L Siemers, Newton, WI
4. Scientific Dbonair Hint-Red (Scientific Debonair) exhibited by Matthew Nunes, Chippewa Falls, WI
5. Tirawley Sanchez Tipper (Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez) exhibited by Thomas Barrett, Camp Douglas, WI
6. Ouriver Shottle Livia (Picston Shottle) exhibited by Premium Star, Melrose, WI
7. Walk-Era Dundee Oh-My (Regancrest Dundee) exhibited by Walk-Era Farms, Wisconsin Dells, WI
8. Ehrke Ytina Gold Athiena-ET (Braedale Goldwyn) exhibited by Cierra Essock, Ft. Atkinson, WI
9. Scientific Decandent Rae-ET (Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez) exhibited by Matthew Nunes, Chippewa Falls, WI
10. Ziems Sanchez Steinback (Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez) exhibited by Ziems Farms, Elkhorn, WI
First pull of Jr 2 Year Olds
Jr 2 Year Olds (11)
1. (BU) Mel-Rob Sanchez Milly (Gen-Mark Strmatic Sanchez) exhibited by Peter & Lynn Vail & Budjon Farms, Lomira, WI
2. Cavanaleck Lana Rae-ET (Braedale Goldwyn) exhibited by C, J, J, J, C & L Siemers, Newton, WI
3. Ehrhardt Gold Beauty-ET (Braedale Goldwyn) exhibited by Peter & Lynn Vail & Budjon Farms, Lomira, WI
4. BVK Atwood Abilene-ET (Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood) exhibited by Mike & Megan Moede, Algoma, WI
5. Rock-N-Hill-II Cranberry (Ladino Park Talent) exhibited by Chris & Mike McCullough, Juda, WI
6. Sandy-Valley Atwd Brady-ET (Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood) exhibited by Katie Bauer, Scandinavia, WI
7. Siemers Atwood Alexia (Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood) exhibited by C, J, J, J, C & L Siemers, Newton, WI
8. Wilstar Lion K 7409-Red-ET (Ra-Mar Lion King) exhibited by Kayli, Kalista & Kaianne Hodorff, Eden, WI
9. Willows Edge Mac Impact (Regancrest-HHF Mac) exhibited by Hendrick VanDyke, New Richmond, WI
10. Jerland SH Jasper Attidtude (Wilcoxview Jasper) exhibited by Hendrick VanDyke, New Richmond, WI
Monday night's Jr Showmanship Winners L-R, 1st place Megan Nelson, 2nd place Carley Krull, 3rd place Jordan Siemers
Monday night's Sr Showmanship Winners, L-R: Judge Katie DeBruin, 1st place Elizabeth Sarbacker, 2nd place Andrea Pagenkopf, 3rd place Jessica Pralle, WI Holstein Princess Laura Finley
Lovin' the fan
The calm before the storm
Judge Carscadden congratulates Tom Cull on the Intermediate Champions
Not everyone finds the cows to be the most interesting part of the day