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International Intrigue Sale Ends **Photos Added
On hot August day, people gathered from all over North America for the International Intrigue sale held August 4th at Butlerview Farm in Chebanse, IL.
Despite first the sweltering heat, and then a wicked storm that caused the sale to take a break about 4pm, the sale was a success.  On 140 lots the unofficial sale average was $36,700.

Sale heifers tied up in the beautiful new heifer facility

Lot 11 St-yle-SA Jumpin4Joy-Red
Lot 6 Regancrest Brasilia sold for $48,000.

Lot 9-$29,000 1st Choice MAS of BVK Atwood Arianna VG 89, recent Intermediate Champion at the IL State Holstein Show

Lot 10-$16,500 BVK Atwood Ana-ET, a March yearling full sister to Arianna, due in March with an Alexander heifer calf

Lot 7-$59,000 1st Choice Numero Uno, from 6 females due in October, out of Licorice, the breeds newest EX 95 point cow
Lot13-$200,000 Mapel Wood Sudan Licorice an April 2012 GLPI +3992 Sudan daughter of Mapel Wood M O M Lucy  

Lot 47-$120,00 Ms Rollen-NC Cam Lexie P-ET, an April 2012 GTPI +2270 polled Cameron
Lot 47a-$95,000 a full sister to Lot 47, GTPI+2191, daughter of Tiger-Lily  Dst Liz P-Red-ET
Lot 15-$175,000 Misty Springs Epic Savannah, a March 2012 GLPI +3962, an Epic daughter of Misty Springs M O M Santana
Lot 3-$490,000 Cookview Goldwyn Monique VG 89 in Canada, Grand Champion at the 2012 Quebec Spring Show, she will stay at Butlerview, and Gene Iager was the contender.
Lot 29-$18,500 Milksource Fever Golden, a Summer Yearling Fever daughter of Blondin Jasper Golden EX 92
Lot 126a-$14,200-a December Gold Chip daughter of Bikasa
Lot 126-$9.700-another December Gold Chip daughter of Bikasa, their full sister was the winning Winter Calf at the IL State Show
Lot  17, $165,000 Benner Lavaman Boo Boo, a January 2012 Lavaman GLPI +3662 from a Planet
Lot 39A-$122,000 Blue Horizon Ostyle  Gem, a February 2012 Ostyle daughter of  a VG Planet
Lot 39B-$117,000 Blue Horizon Kool Devine, an April Altakool GTPI +2488
Lot 40-$60,000 1st Choice Female, sisters to Lot 39A & B, out of Blue-Horizon Plan Edith VG 85, choice of an Uno due in January, a Maurice due in February, 3 Masseys due in February, 6 Macalese due in March
Lot 2-$290,000 Silvermaple Damion Camomile VG 89 in Canada at 3 years, Intermediate Champion and Reserve Grand Champion at the 2011 International Holstein Show
Lot 2B-$10,000  2nd Choice of  5 Windhammers due in November out of Camomile
Lot 112-$5,000 a December 2011 Windbrook sister to Camomile
Lot 45-$125,000 Curr-Vale Delish-Red-ET, a February GTPI +2325 Colt-P daughter of Curr-Vale Shottle Delight
Lot 61-$55,000 Mapel Wood Epic Giggle-Red, a March 2012 Epic GLPI +2530 from Morsan Manoman Fools Gold-Red
Lot 12-$8,500 Sildajak Tristan Sassy 3-Red All-American Fall Calf 2010, winning Fall Yearling 2011 Royal Winter Fair
Lot 27-$13,500 Budjon-Vail Damaris-Red-ET a Camden fall calf out of Budjon Redmarker Desire EX 96 
Lot 28-$8,200 Ms Winterfield SC Trend-Red, a Contender fall calf out of an EX 91 Advent,  11 generations of EX
Lot 4-$154,000 Rockymountain Gold Winter, a VG 89 Goldwyn, showing as a 3rd calf 4 Year Old, from an EX 92 Leduc
Lot 147-$85,000 Earlen Goldwyn Secret VG 87, Grand Champion at the 2012 ON Spring Show!
Lot 31- $11,500 a September 2011 Braxton daughter daughter of Frosty
Lot 146-$11,000 a Destry sister to Sunburst, R&W All-American, Reserve All-American B&W 2011
Lot 43-$139,000 an April 2012 GTPI +2570 Yano from a VG 88 O-Man
Lot 44-$40,000  the number 6 GTPI Gold Chip in the breed at +2378, a sister to Lot 43
 Lot 14-$70,000 First Choice Galaxy or MAS from Ms Chassity Goldwyn Cash-ET
Lot 35- $19,000 First choice Headliner female from Regancrest Chassity
Lot 38- $38,000 First choice McCutchen female from MS Chassity Snowman Clea-ET
Lot 20 - $38,000 First choice Mogul female  from Seagull-Bay Shauna Saturn
Lot 5 - $187,000 Butz-Butler Gold Barbara-ET Sr 2 daughter of Brasilia purchased by Budjon and Peter Vail
Lot 144 $2100 each  5 sexed female frozen IVF embryos Brasilia x Atwood.
Lot 144a $7,500 Package of 2 IVF females Brasillia x Atwood due in March 2013
Lot 6  $48,000 Regancrest Brasilia-ET EX-92
Lot 125 $6,500 Butz-Butler Mac BamBam-ET a Mac out of Brasilia

Lot 1- $52,000 Ms Atlee's Gold Ariel-ET EX-92 Res All American Jr 2 in 09
Lot 1a - $42,000 April Epic out of Freddie Anna GTPI +2422
Lot 108 - $25,000 first choice Gold Chip out of Ms Atlee Shottle Aubry-ET

Lot 107 - $20,000 Ms Aubrys Gold Chip Ace-ET
Lot 23 - $135,000  Ms Regelcreek Cmrn Ardis-ET the breed's number 1 Cameron

Lot 21 - $129,000, a Shamrock, highest GTPI heifer in the sale at +2589 .
Lot 49 - $35,000  first choice Mogul out of Comstar Lautamire Planet
Lot 50 - $30,000 first choice Mogul out of Comestar Lautamai Man O Man
 Lot 68 - $60,000 Siemers Snman Centuria-ET GTPI + 2341.

Lot 67 - $32,000 Ransom Rail Facebk Paris-ET GTPI +2380
Lot 32 - $53,000 first choice female mixed flush Mascalese and Windbrook out of Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy

Lot 70- $24,500  Vieuxsaule Supersonic Sugi GTPI + 2344

Lot 8 - $34,000 Cam-Bing Gold Nila-ET VG-88 big time Jr 3.
Lot 26- $17,500 Claquato-RH Escape-ET a VG 89 Senior 2 Year Old, nominated All-Canadian & All-American in 2011, she is a Dundee from an EX 91 Comestar Lee, going back to the Ellie Gay's

Lot 56- $40,000 Quality Ridge Advn Abby-Red, the Reserve Grand Champion of the 2012 MN State Show, an Advent from a VG Talent

Lot 55- $18,500 Ms Emilyann Alex Emery-ET, a VG 85 Alexander from Wabash-Way Emilyann VG 88. She sold with 10 Lithium Embryos.
Waiting out the storm
Auctioneer Chris Hill raised the roof...
...while ringman Bloyce Thompson held the place down!

It rained cats and dogs!

Lot 60- $7,800 Robin-Hood LKI Carrissa, the second Jr 2 Year Old at Richmond, an Atwood from an EX Hi-Metro, going back to Diamond-S Eve Corry.  This bargain was the first one to sell when the sale resumed after the storm!
Lot 116-$110,000 an Atwood Fall Yearling due in August to Advent, from a VG 88 Dundee, going back to Audrey Posch
Lot 124-$20,200 to Morsan-Robin Hoold Clumbo-ET EX 91 Durham fresh in April, completing 10 generations of EX
Lot 41B- $90,000 a December 2011 Shamrock GTPI +2529 from Coyne-Farms Fredi Jeven-ET GTPI +2286

Lot 65- $56,000 an April 2012 Shamrock daughter GTPI +2487 from a Freddie

Lot 66-$41,000 a March Shamrock GLPI +2986 from Tramilda-N Baxter Emily

Lot 22- $50,000 Regancrest Shamrock Lava GTPI +2549, a December 2011 Shamrock daughter of a VG 87 Jose
Lot 46- $32,000 a March 2012 Magnus GPTI +2501 from a GTPI +2365 Dorcy, from the Zip family
Lot 42- $45,000 Second Choice Uno from pregnancies due in January and February, out of Sandy-Valley Robust-Red GPTI +2495
Lot 34- $23,000 a Gold Chip calf GTPI +2332 from Missy's Man O Man granddaughter
Lot 33-$32,000 First Choice Mascalese due in March from Missy's Snowman daughter
Lot 32- $20,000 First Choice Female from a mixed Mascalese & Windbrook flush due in March from Missy herself
Lot 63- $27,000 Dymentholm Sunview Satin, an April 2012 GTPI +2352 Epic from a VG 87 Planet
Lot 64- $23,000 First Choice MAS from Dymentholm Sunview Santana, a GLPI +2961 Snowman from a VG 87 Planet
Lot 58-$26,500 a November Gold Chip daughter of Ms Candy Apple-Red-ET, Apple's VG 87 Talent daughter
Lot 57- $24,000 Ms Talent Applicious-Red-ET, an EX 91 Talent daughter of Apple, completes 8 generations of EX cows
Lot 57A- $8,500 a First Choice Redburst due in March from Applicious
Lot 59- $9,500 First Choice Supersire due in January from a VG 87 Goldwyn granddaughter of Apple
Lot 51- $40,000 First Choice Headliner Female from 8 pregnancies due in February from a GTPI +2391 Freddie
Lot 52- $32,000 First Choice Mogul from a July 2012 flush of a GTPI +2463 Bookem
Lot 85-$25,000 First Choice McCutchen from a July IVF Flush of a GTPI +2360 Snowman from the Lila Z's
Lot 86- $35,000 First Choice Uno from flushes due in March and April from a GTPI +2282 Snowman from the Lila Z family
Lot 75- $18,500 a March 2012 Facebook GTPI +2413 from a GTPI +2386 Bowser from the Barbie family
Lot 76- $30,000 a March 2012 Shamrock daughter GTPI +2308 from a Sebastian going back to the Barbies
Lot 97- $9,200 a March 2012 GLPI +2906 Shamrock from a GLPI +2575 Frosty, who is a full sister to Facebook
Lot 89- $32,000 Second Choice Numero Uno from Planet Manitoba
Lot 90- $20,000 First Choice Lithium from a GTPI +2344 Gerard daughter of Planet Manitoba
Lot 82- $16,000 First Choice Mascalese from a June or July flush of Gloryland-LB Linette Rae VG 89
Lot 81- $23,000 First Choice MAS from Ms Planet Cheri GTPI +2257
Lot 84- $31,000 First Choice McCutchen from a July IVF of a Shamrock daughter of EX 92 Ladys Manor Allanas Dora
Lot 88- $25,000 First Choice Let it Snow Female from transfers due in April from the #2 Manoman in the breed
Lot 87- $23,000 First Choice Mascalese due in February from Larcrest Cynergy
Lot 72-$20,000 a March 2012 Gold Chip granddaughter of Brocade
Lot 71- $4,100 an April Alchemy GTPI +2307, a granddaughter of Brocade
Lot 74- $ 15,500 the #12 Protein Female of the Breed, sired by Bookem
Lot 69- $16,000 a January Comestar Lobster daughter
Lot 73- $20,000 choice of two January Armitage daughters of Lar-Lan Time Annabelle
Lot 79- $8,000 First Choice of 3 Gold Chip daughters born in April from Regancrest-BH Delish
Lot 77- $8,400 a March 2012 Cameron daughter GTPI +2355 from Ronelee Bolivar Dreary
Lot 78- $18,000  a November 2009 Jeeves GTPI +2308 due in September to Epic, from a VG Goldwyn
Lot 80- $10,000  a November 2010 Charlesdale Superstition bred in May to Lithium, from an EX 90 Shottle
Lot 102- $5,000  an April 2012 Shamrock daughter GTPI + 2203 from an EX 91 Shottle daughter of Debutante Rae
Lot 25-$10,200  The Jersey:  Crossbrook Minister Charity, a Minister Spring Yearling, she was Junior Champion at NY & OH Spring Shows, and was the Supreme Junior Champion at Ohio.  Charity was also nominated All-American Spring Calf.  She is due in March to Response.
Lot 53- $17,000 First Choice Gold Chip from Hezbollah, from 7 pregnancies due in March
Reader Comments
Comments posted do not express the viewpoint of Dairy Agenda Today or its staff members.

Manitoba Canada
August, 10 2012
Who bought Lot 56?
Iron Man
August, 9 2012
Lot 11 was a "no-sale". They did not get a bid on her.
August, 9 2012
lot 11 had a minimum bid of $100,000, so I would guess that is what she sold for.
August, 9 2012
Did 11 sell for 100k?
To Wow
August, 9 2012
my notes had lot 116 bringing $10,000 not $110,000 like it is listed!
August, 9 2012
Where did Lot #11 end up and what was her price?
August, 8 2012
Lot 116, and Atwood fall yearling bred to Advent from an 88 point Dundee sold for $110,000? She must have huge genomics.
Wisconsin Breeder
August, 8 2012
Lot 56 $4,000
August, 7 2012
Did Lot 56 sell for 40,000 or 4,000?
August, 7 2012
who was the buyer on Rockymountain Gold Winter?
August, 5 2012
Will there be a list of buyers?
August, 5 2012
FIRST CLASS!!!!! What a lineup of cattle.....