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Sunny Acres Rattler’s Kacie Takes Grand at All-American Ayrshire Show
The All American Dairy Show in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania is alive with activity as the open shows are getting underway! Jeffrey Ziegler of Plain City, Ohio sorted through the Ayrshire heifers, and will take care of placing the milking females today!
Senior and Grand Champion
Sunny Acres Rattler’s Kacie (Coney D&A Conn Rattler), first place four year old, exhibited by Sunny Acres, Georgetown, NY
Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion
Sunny Acres Harmony’s (Kellcrest Harmony), first place five year old, exhibited by Sunny Acres, Georgetown, NY
100,000 Pound Cow

1 Vales-Pride Tri-Magic Jianni (Ski-Pal Good-Vue Tri-Magic) exhibited by Vales-Pride Farm, Emmitsburg, MD

Aged Cow

1 Sunny Acres JD Gwyneth (Sunny Acres Juris Prudence) exhibited by Sunny Acres, Georgetown, NY

2 Sunny Acres Final Premium (Rosayre Finalist) exhibited by Sunny Acres, Georgetown, NY

3 Vales-Pride Soldier Exhale (Maple-Dell Soldier Exhale) exhibited by Vales-Pride Farm, Emmitsburg, MD

Five Year Old

1 Sunny Acres Harmony’s (Kellcrest Harmony) exhibited by Sunny Acres, Georgetown, NY

2 Briarwoods Harmony Midnite (Kellcrest Harmony) exhibited by Emily & Britni Thornburg & Craig Walton, Pleasant Plain, OH

3 Mowrys Wilton Trista (Labrie Wilton) exhibited by Mowry Homestead Farm, Roaring Spring, PA

4 Vales-Pride Royal Zarrah (Vales-Pride Jetstream Royal) exhibited by Windsor Oak Farm, New Windsor, MD
Four Year Old

1 Sunny Acres Rattler’s Kacie (Coney D&A Conn Rattler) exhibited by Sunny Acres, Georgetown, NY

2 Lone-Elm Modem Lady (Cedarvale Charleston) exhibited by Sunny Acres, Gerogetown, NY

3 Sunny Acres Master Kendra (Lone Birch Masterpiece) exhibited by Sunny Acres, Georgetown, NY

4 Marbrae Modem Jasmine (Lagace Modem) exhibited by Hidden Valley Ayrshires, Keymar, MD

5 Maple Dell Trident Dee-ET (Ardrossan EV Kates Trident) exhibited by Maple Dell Farm, Woodbine, MD

Intermediate Champion
Vales-Pride Rawhide Boston (CKO Rawhide), first place senior three, exhibited by Maple Dell Far, Woodbine, MD
Reserve Intermediate Champion
Palmyra Bendig R Bonnie-ET (Palymra Jerry Bendig), first junior two, exhibited by Palmyra Farm, Hagerstown, MD
Senior Three Year Old

1 Vales-Pride Rawhide Boston (CKO Rawhide) exhibited by Maple Dell Far, Woodbine, MD

2 Jomill BBB Kellogg Oceana (Plum-Bottom Tridents Omari exhibited by Jomill Farm, Shade Gap, PA

3 Maple Bottom Potter Toya (Des Prairie Potter) exhibited by Mowry Homestead Farm, Roaring Spring, PA

4 Fairburn Soapy (Lessard Iron) exhibited by Maufair Acres, Jonestown, PA

5 Lone-Elm BBBK Marble (Blackaddar BB Kellogg) exhibited by Hoppaugh Farms, Columbia Cross Roads, PA

Junior Three Year Old

1 Palmyra Poker LH Rosy-ET (Des Chamois Poker) exhibited by Palmyra Farm, Hagerstown, MD

2 Sunny Acres Poker’s Kadence (Des Chamois Poker) exhibited by Sunny Acres, Georgetown, NY

3 Vales-Pride Rawhide Raspberry (CKO Rawhide) exhibited by Vales-Pride Farm, Emmitsburg, MD

4 DL Burdette Rightey (Palmyra Tri-Star Burdette) exhibited by DL Ayrshires, Hammondsport, NY

5 Englan RT Suzy (Englan Rosid’s Tornado) exhibited by Richard Engelbrecht, Madison, NY

Senior Two Year Old

1 Designer Genes Olivia (Brow-Ayr Trident Mohawk) exhibited by Designer Genes, Farm, Slippery Rock, PA

2 Jomill Poker Keegan (Des Chamois Poker) exhibited by Jomill Farm, Shade Gap, PA

3 Palmyra Ambush Randy (Bonnie Brae Ambush) exhibited by Palmyra Farm, Hagerstown, MD

4 Falcon-Crest Poker Tristan (Des Chamois Poker) exhibited by Falcon Crest, Frewsburg, NY

5 Spring-Vale Burdt Applefritter (Palmyra Tri-Star Burdette) exhibited by Spring-Vale Farm, Thurmont, MD

Junior Two Year Old

1 Palmyra Bendig R Bonnie-ET (Palymra Jerry Bendig) exhibited by Palmyra Farm, Hagerstown, MD"

2 Palmyra Tristar Bobbie (Palmyra Tristar) exhibited by Palmyra Farm, Hagerstown, MD

3 Sunny Acres Jackson’s Brooklyn (Covey P&A Jackson) exhibited by Sunny Acres, Georgetown, NY

4 Palmyra Brooke’s Belle-ET (Des Chamois Poker) exhibited by Palmyra Farm, Hagerstown, MD

5 Graves Farm Return (Englan Rosid’s Tornado) exhibited by Richard Engelbrecht, Madison, NY

Milking Senior Yearling

1 Vales-Pride Dozer Garnet (Family-Af-Ayr Reno Dozer) exhibited by Vales-Pride Farm, Emmitsburg, MD

2 Sharwards Zorro Avail (Kildare Zorro) exhibited by Kittyhawk Ayrshires, Montrose, PA

Junior Champion
Sunny Acres Jackson’s Vanna (Coney-P&A Jackson), first fall calf, exhibited by Sunny Acres, Georgetown, NY
Reserve Junior Champion
Palmyra-Raigimore EL BC GiGi (Palmyra Tri-Star Burdette), first summer yearling, exhibited by Buckeye Knoll, Greenville, OH


Fall Yearling

1 Hidden Valley DW Stacey (Hidden Valley Garths Serena) exhibited by Robert G. Moore, Harrington, DE

2 Hidden Valley Reality Bliss (Hidden Valley Garth’s Briana) exhibited by Hidden Valley Ayrshires, Keymar, MD

3 Martinholm Potter Karma (Martinholm Nolan Kam) exhibited by Martinholm Farms, Volant PA

4 Sky-Hi Baltimore Navi (Bird Lexus Ozena) exhibited by Sky-Hi Jerseys, Cogan Station, PA


Winter Yearling

1 Maple Dell Oblique Darlene-ET (Maple Dell Trident Dee-ET) exhibited by Maple Dell Farm, Woodbine, MD

2 Princess-Star Penelope (Bremen Baltimore’s Princesse) exhibited by Morrel Farms, Cochranton, PA

3 Scottown Skybuck O’Goodness (Scottown Rattler O’Lucky) exhibited by McKissick Farms, Slippery Rock, PA


Spring Yearling

1 Sunny Acres Poker’s Parody (Des Charmens Poker) exhibited by Sunny Acres, Georgetown, NY

2 Topp-View Poker Verity, (Des Charmens Poker) exhibited by Craig & Emily Walton & Gene Iager, Plesant Plain, OH

3 Vales-Pride Reality Odeliea (Palmyra Tri-Star Reality) exhibited by Vales-Pride Farm, Emmitsburg, MD

4 Mackinson Jackson Darcy-ET (Covey-P&A Jackson) exhibited by Mackinson Dairy Farm, Pontiac, IL

5 Jenny’s Dozer Valentina (Family-Af-Ayr Reno Dozer) exhibited by Tomahawk Claim Guernseys, Mt. Pleasant, PA


Summer Yearling

1 Palmyra-Raigimore EL BC GiGi (Palmyra Tri-Star Burdette) exhibited by Buckeye Knoll, Greenville, OH

2 Sunny Acres Imperial Kaleigh (Lessard Imperial) exhibited by Sunny Acres, Georgetown, NY

3 Petula’s Ramius Pam (Galney-EPC Galant Ramius) exhibited by Cody Cross, New Alexandria, PA

4 Jems-Ayrshires B Startdust (Palmyra Tri-Star Burdette) exhibited by Jems-Ayrshires, Newburg, PA

5 Wentworth Farm Ramius Aroma (Galney-EPC Galant Ramius) exhibited by Buckeye Knoll, Greenville, OH


Fall Calf

1 Sunny Acres Jackson’s Vanna (Coney-P&A Jackson) exhibited by Sunny Acres, Georgetown, NY

2 Heineman Burdete Bugatti (Palmyra Tri-Star Burdette) exhibited by Heineman Farms, Attica, NY

3 Vales-Pride Poker Emily (Des Chamois Poker) exhibited by Cadin Valentine, Thurmont, MD

4 Rosayr Rocco’s Viva (Rosayre Rocco) exhibite by Homestead Acres, Connoquenessing, PA

5 Martinholm Potter Feather (DesPrairies Potter) exhibited by Martinholm Farms, Volant, PA


Winter Calf

1 Cedarcut Burdette Clove Colata (Palmyra Tri-Star Burdette-ET) exhibited by Cedarcut Farm, Cazenovia, NY

2 Maple Dell Burdette Dominique-ET (Palmyra Tri-Star Burdette-ET) exhibited by Maple Dell Farm, Woodbine, MD

3 Blue-Spruce DL-Whammy (Family-Af-Ayr DoublWhammy) exhibited by Laura Emerson & Ryan VanSant, Middletown, DE

4 Paragon-Acres Reality Kendall (Palmyra Tri-Star Reality) exhibited by Adam Buckenmyer, Alexander, NY

5 Maple Dell Poker Daisy-ET (Des Chamois Poker-ET) exhibited by Maple Dell Farm, Woodbine, MD


Spring Calf

1 Vales-Pride Sherlock Jezelle (Blackaddar Sherlock) exhibited by Vales-Pride Farm, Emmitsburg, MD

2 Maulfair Acres Diego Eva (Maple Dell Modem Diego) exhibited by Maufair Acres, Jonestown, PA

3 Mowry’s Remington Picabo-ET (Mapleburn Remington) exhibited by Mowry Homestead Farm, Roaring Spring, PA

4 JSB-Acres Babycakes (JBS Acres Kelvin) exhibited by A & A Zundels Farm, New Alexandria, PA

5 Princess Ginger (Princess’s Mister Lincoln) exhibited by Maple Dell Farm, Woodbine, MD


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