All eyes in the dairy industry are on Harrisburg, PA as the All-American Dairy Show is underway. Here is a peek at things around the barn, and be sure to check back throughout the week as all the open breed shows are covered.
Ayrshires, Jeff Ziegler of Plain City, OH, Judge, heifers Tuesday at 1pm, cows Wednesday at 1:30pm
Brown Swiss, Norm Magnussen, Lake Mills, WI, Judge, heifers Tuesday at 1pm, cows Wednesday at 8am
Milking Shorthorns, Chris Lahmers, Thornville, OH, Judge, heifers Tuesday at 1pm, cows Wednesday at 10am
Guernseys, Stan Chupp, Inola, OK, Judge, all classes Wednesday at 9am
Red & Whites, Chad Ryan, Fond du Lac, WI, Judge, all classes Wednesday at 11:30am
Holsteins, Mark Rueth, Oxford, WI, Judge, heifers Wednesday at 1pm, cows Thursday at 9am
Jerseys, Ted DeMent, Kenney, IL, Judge, heifers Wednesday at 1pm, cows Thursday at 9am
Supreme Champion heifer Wednesday at 5pm
Supreme Champion cow Thursday at 2pm
Solid Gold Holsteins
How high's the water...?
The inside washrack isn't much drier than the outside ones!
Knockin' some hair off
Grilled Cheese to the rescue!
Coolest gift bags ever!
Welcome to the All-American Dairy Show
Dairy Agenda Today proudly sponsors the picture areas in the Equine arena show ring
Artie Jay, Tower-Vue, Fountain Farm & Daysland
Artie Jay, Tower-Vue, Fountain Farm & Daysland
Show catalogs make for good reading
Hills Valley Farm
Hills Valley Farm
Ovaltop Holsteins
J&K Vue Farm
Waverly Farm
Dunn's Pride Holsteins
Hillacres Jerseys
Den-Be Farms
A great display of Ayrshire memorabilia
Xanadu Jerseys
Hollow View Farm
Kohls Kows