By Ron Schaap
Scheduling classification during the month of November was always one of the biggest challenges during my 26 years of scoring. First, as many classifiers that could, would take a vacation week in November. Second most Holstein breeders in the upper Midwest did not want to take the time to prepare or classify their cows during the DEER HUNTING season.
Most of my hard work scheduling was soon useless after all the requests for rescheduling or canceling came in. It did however give me an opportunity to meet several farm wives who "handled" the classifier while their husbands sat in a tree covered in deer urine with their face painted in camouflage.
With that in mind, we thought it would be fun to post a pictures of your buck! Tell us the story of how you caught Bambi in your sights. No prizes will be awarded – just a chance to share your story and bragging rights.
Send your pictures to or text them straight from the woods to 517-398-1957! And we will post them here for everyone to see!
Arlyn Elsbernd's nephew got this buck in Allamakee County in Northeast Iowa.
Sam Potter of New York was hunting in the Adirondack Mountains and shot this buck the end of November.
And then he compared the one he took on Halloween with his truck(left) and the one he took with his gun. Nice job Sam!
Rinell Vincent and his son Rinell took these two deer in the opening day of the 2012 Pennsylvania gun season.
From Rob Leach of Lin-Crest Farm of Kansas, "Not a deer hunt but a great bird hunt! . Roy Buessing (our national director),and his brother Roger took a few of his fellow Kansas Dairymen hunting yesterday. The faces in the picture are- Back row-Left to right. Will Newhouse, Gary Jons. Front row Casey George, Eugene George, Rob Leach, Roy Buessing and Dale Klassen . I believe there are 57 birds on the ground. Pheasants, Chukars, Quail, and Eugene is holding his Mallard Duck."
Phil Specht's Iowa team had a good hunt once the fog lifted.
The LIRR Farm inViroqua, WI., they have horns on the right animals. 2012 was a great year for bucks at LIRR Farm, The Nighs scored with three nice wallhangers. Merry Christmas to all from Wisconsin.
Paul Lawrence of Lawrence-Haven Holsteins in Pennsylvania got this nine point on opening day!
Here are several pictures from the Phil Specht's Iowa crew of deer hunters!
Jason Swanson from Swanee-Acres in Capron, IL bagged this buck last fall up near Antigo, WI. He had him mounted and now enjoys him in his foyer.
Pat Agnew's 10-point buck with a drop tine...this buck has eluded hunters for years...until opening day this year. Got him a mile from home in Oconomowoc, WI.
Recent hunting trip to Pierre, SD with (left to right) Scott Ditter (kneeling), Matt Limberg, Katie Ulezelski, "Jada", Wyatt Lee, Jake Ulezelski and Terry Lee.Jake Ulezelski, Plymouth WI, shot this 9-pointer near Stevens Point, WI., during the 2012 gun season.
John Cannon sent in a picture of his 13 pointer that he shot last year, scoring 175. He was taken on a neighboring farm to John's Sco-lo Holsteins farm in West Union, IA.
Dan Kaufmann of Sioux Falls, SD and his sons Brian & Ben with their daily limit of ring neck pheasants.
Al Funk of Nortonville, KS., sent this picture in and wrote, "If you like bird dog points I have a picture of my English Setters pointing a covey of quail. Proud of Buckshot and Dottie.
Al Funk
Nortonville, KS
This is Jessica Chamberlain of Chamberlain Dairy, Inc., in Moses Lake, WA, with her first buck! Congrats Jessica!
Larry Kleiner sent this picture in and writes, "Ten pointers are nice but I prefer this kind of pointer- this is Bone pointing a big covey of wild quail on Thanksgiving morning."
Kyle Engleking of Indiana took this buck in 2011. It was an 8 point!
Doug Breyer of Birnamwood, Wisconsin, a Registered Holstein breeder, shot this buck that has 18 scoreable on the opening day of the Wisconsin Gun hunt. The rack green scored 198 1/2 and weighed 200 lbs.
Sam Potter of Union Springs, New York got this buck on Halloween after a long day of bow hunting. He hit it with his truck.
Cory Gillins, Canyon Breeze Holsteins, Minersville Utah sent in these photos of some bucks he has taken the last few years. He said all these were taking with a bow--spot and stalk--very challenging.
The same year Cory and his wife Stefanie both took monster bucks. Stefanie's was a very tall 4 x 4. It was a great year for his and her bucks!
Steven Olt sent in this picture and wrote, "Angela Olt, DVM of Rocky Run Farms Registered Holsteins Greensburg, KY, killed this buck on the opening evening of season. The buck weighed over 200lbs and had a total of 18 scoreable points counting multiple kickers on the bases of his horns. Its not only the husbands that love a break from the dairy to hunt!!!"
It was an active morning on opening day in this Eaton County deer blind in Michigan. Older sister Paige Cords captured the "big moment!"
Sam Potter texted this picture and said, "Not a kill but my Dad snapped this picture from the road on 11-13-12.
Tara Kocher writes, "Every year Golden Dream Holsteins turns into a hunting resort during Missouri's deer season. It is a festive time with lots of good food and hunting stories around the dinner table. Most of our guests come from Pennsylvania, which is always like a reunion times as well. This years 10 point, prize buck was shot by Vinnie Mazzotta of State College, PA. Congratulations to Vinnie."
Staci Zilles-Nelson with daughter Hadlie Nelson. Staci writes, "Shot with a Winchester .243 on the run, as it came over the top of the ridge where we were sitting. We have real deer in Utah, they are called Mule Deer!!!"
This is Dan Cnossen's big buck from 2011. Can you beat that in 2012?