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Wisconsin Jersey Breeders Meet
Members of the Wisconsin Jersey Breeders Association gathered Saturday, March 2nd for their annual meeting in Waupaca, WI, hosted by the Parish 7 Jersey Breeders.
Elections were held to fill two Director at Large vacancies on the Wisconsin Jersey Breeders Board of Directors.  Don Mielke and Bob Randall were elected to those positions.   

American Jersey Cattle Association President Chris Sorenson, National All-Jersey President David Endres and US Jersey Director of Field Services Kristin Paul gave presentations regarding the past year in the association, and things to look forward to in the upcoming year.  One highlight is that nine Wisconsin Juniors have earned spots in the 2013 Jersey Youth Academy class this summer.  
AJCA President Chris Sorenson shows the trends in registrations 

Members were treated to a special guest from the Isle of Jersey.  Becky Houze is currently an intern at Barlass Jerseys, and will be moving on to the Chamberlains in Wyoming, NY later this month.  Becky told her family's farm on the 5 mile by 9 mile Isle of Jersey.  There are about 3,000 head of cattle on the Isle, with a population of about 97,000 people.  The Houze's have the second largest of 25 herds, with about 225 cows.  The Isle of Jersey works on a quota system, with no imports of milk.  Dairy farmers are able to set their own prices and currently receive about 42-43 pence per liter.  Recently, contracts were made to supply frozen yogurt and ice cream to Spain and Japan, increasing their export market.  One interesting fact about the Isle of Jersey that it is a tax haven, and they pay no income or property taxes.  However, you must be a resident of the Isle for 15 years before you are eligible to own property.
Isle of Jersey native Becky Houze tells about her homeland, which is also the homeland of our little brown beauties
Production awards were distributed as follows:
2012 Parish Production Winners:
Parish 1 Milk, Fat & Protein: Wirkus Jerseys
Parish 2 Milk, Fat & Protein:  Nic-Nat & Buckshot Jerseys
Parish 3 Milk, Fat & Protein:  Kevin Ihm Jerseys
Parish 4 Milk, Fat & Protein:  Norse Star Jerseys
Parish 5 Milk & Protein:  Killians Jerseys
Parish 5 Fat:  Woodmohr Jerseys
Parish 6 Milk:  Last Chance Jerseys
Parish 6 Fat & Protein:  Owens Farms, Inc.
Parish 7 Milk, Fat & Protein:  Tauchen Jerseys
Parish 8 Milk & Protein:  D&D Jerseys
Parish 8 Fat:  Ameri-Milk, Don Mielke
2012 Wisconsin High Milk, Fat & Protein Herd:  Kevin Ihm Jerseys, Barneveld, WI
2012 Most Improved Milk Production Herd:  Bellwood Farms, Roger Camp, Evansville, WI
2012 Most Improved Protein Production Herd:  Nic-Nat & Buck-Shot Jerseys, DeForest, WI
2012 Wisconsin Current Milk Record:  Norse Star Moment N2387, 33,013M, owned by Norse Star Jerseys, Westby, WI
2012 Wisconsin Current Fat Record:  Jeff-Ro Country Rollo, 7.9% 2,156F, owned by Nic-Nat & Buck-Shot Jerseys, DeForest, WI
2012 Wisconsin Current Protein Record:  Norse Star Tequila Katie, 4.1% 1,232P, owned by Norse Star Jerseys, Westby, WI
2012 Wisconsin Leading Lifetime Protein & Fat:  MJ Candy DC Godiva, 9,461P and 12,657F, owned by Woodmohr Jerseys
2012 Wisconsin Leading Lifetime Milk:  Barlass Lester Godiva, 263,350M, owned by Barlass Jerseys LLC
Following the lunch, the WI Juniors held a successful dessert auction, raising $1,310 for their organization.
2012 WI Jersey Queen & First Runner-Up National Jersey Jug Queen Kaitlyn Riley displays her pecan pie for the dessert auction
Former WI Jersey Queen & National Jersey Jug Queen Cassy Krull entices bidders for the dessert auction
 Future Jersey Queen Grace Fremstad shows off a pie for the dessert auction
The Wisconsin Junior Jersey Breeders held their meeting during the adult annual meeting.  Newly elected Junior Jersey officers include President Jacob Leum, Vice President Morgan Randall and Secretary Kaila Wussow.
Wisconsin Junior Jersey Breeders Secretary Kaila Wussow reads the minutes of the Junior meeting
Junior Production Awards:
Milking Yearlings:  Kaila Wussow, Julia Owens
Junior Two Year Olds:  Justin Cornell, Jonathan Fraiser
Senior Two Year Olds:  Kaila & Colin Wussow, Abby Tauchen
Junior Three Year Olds:  India Tauchen, Colin Wussow
Senior Three Year Olds:  Kaila Wussow
Four Year Olds:  Iris Quinlan, Kaila Wussow
Five Year Olds:  Kaila & Colin Wussow
Aged Cows:  Julia Owens, Kaitlyn Riley
 Overall High Protein Award:  Rocha Iatola Whistler, Kaila Wussow
Junior Production Winners (L-R)  Colin Wussow, Kaila Wussow, Julia Owens, Abby Tauchen
Junior All-Wisconsin Winners
Spring Calf:  Milk-n-More-WJM Hired Gun Verdie exhibited by Kaila & Colin Wussow
Winter Calf:  Smokin' Hot Rendition Letitia exhibited by Austin Nauman
Fall Calf:  Milk-n-More Tequila Makes Me Giddy exhibited by Kaila Wussow
Spring Yearling:  Kyles Louie Moonlight exhibited by Janelle Remington
Winter Yearling:  Selin Justice Epiphany exhibited by Austin Nauman
Fall Yearling:  Owens Tbone Palace exhibited by Julia Owens
Milking Yearling:  Avon-Road Tequila Kari exhibited by Iris Quinlan
Junior Two Year Old:  Glenmardale Comerica Taz exhibited by Cheyenne Hughey
Senior Two Year Old:  Kailas Fame exhibited by Kaila Wussow
Junior Three Year Old:  Partee at Budjon Duchess exhibited by Colin Wussow
Senior Three Year Old:  Big Guns Barbaro Jerica exhibited by Austin Nauman
Four Year Old:  Tierneys Barbaro Lucine exhibited by Austin Nauman
Aged Cow:  Owens Thor Laurene exhibited by Julia Owens
Junior All-Wisconsin Winners (L-R) Colin Wussow, Kaila Wussow, Austin Nauman, Janelle Remington, Julia Owens
Patti Endres Memorial Award:  Abby Tauchen
Senior Youth Award Winner Kaitlyn Riley, Runner-Up:  Janelle Remington
National Nominees:  Kaitlyn Riley, Cassy Krull, Tommy Allen, Janelle Remington
 Junior Breeder Award Winner Jacob Leum
Junior Youth Award Winner: Colin Wussow, Runner-Up:  Iris Quinlan

2013 Wisconsin Jersey Princess Sidney Endres and 2013 Wisconsin Jersey Queen Julia Owens
Wisconsin Jersey Woman of the Year Linda Owens
Senior Breeder Award:  Alan Hughes
Distinguished Service Award:  Dennis Post
The 2014 Wisconsin Jersey Breeders Meeting will be hosted by the Parish 8 Jersey Breeders at Knox's Silver Valley.