Dairy Breakfasts held on farms are a long-standing tradition in many parts of the country, and Monroe County, Wisconsin is no different. Consumers and producers alike were invited to the Martin Family Dairy Farm, just outside Sparta, WI on Saturday, June 1st. Here is a look at the beautiful, breezy day, the first offering up no rain after a soggy couple of weeks.
A muddy hayfield/parking area... probably a common sight at many Wisconsin dairy breakfasts this weekend
Line for the breakfast (photo credit WCOW Cow 97.1)
The crowd in the breakfast tent
Who doesn't love a Culver's sundae? (Photo Credit WCOW Cow 97.1)
Guests could check out the milking parlor (Photo Credit WCOW Cow 97.1)
The cows enjoyed their own breakfast in the free-stall barn (Photo Credit WCOW Cow 97.1)
Horse-drawn wagon rides
Farm toy display
Pedal tractors
Educational displays