Despite the oppressive heat-wave sweeping across the upper-Midwest, the Great Minnesota Get-Together is underway in St. Paul, MN. With temperatures near 90 and heat indices in the mid 90's after 10pm, keeping the cattle and the humans comfortable is a challenge for exhibitors.
Dairy Agenda will be your source for results for all the Dairy Cattle Shows. Tuesday features Chad Ryan of Fond du Lac, WI placing the Red & Whites and Ayrshires, Carla Stetzer of Alma Center, WI sorting the Milking Shorthorn Show and Tim Baumgartner of Oakdale, CA placing the Guernseys.
Wednesday will see Chad Ryan again at the helm of the Midwest Fall National Holsteins Show, Mark Rueth of Oxford, WI taking charge of the Jersey Show and Curtis Day of Burnsville, MN sorting Swiss. Here's a quick peek at some of the sights of the Minnesota State Fair, and be sure to check back over the next couple of days to see the fruits of the exhibitors labors!
Holmgren Holsteins
Pit Crew & Wildwynde
Stranshome Holsteins
Skibas Jerseys
The 2013 Minnesota State Fair has done in Allyn "Spud" Paulson...the poor man is in a wheelchair!
Andrew Fritsche prepares his deluxe sleeping accommodations (and notice Spud's miraculous recovery!)