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The All-American Jersey Show is Finished!

The premier show of the Jersey breed, the All-American Jersey show has finished at the NAILE in Louisville, KY. Chris Lahmers of Dublin, Ohio is served as the lead judge with Mike Berry of Oregon as his associate.

Thank you to Select Sires for sponsoring the Jersey Show coverage today.
Premier Breeder
Ratfliff Jerseys
Grand Champion
Grand Champion

Stoney Point Excitation Jamie exhibited by Andy Sauder, Tremont, IL

Reserve Grand Champion

TJ Classic Minister Venus-ET exhibited by River Valley Farms, Tremont, IL

Senior Champion

Senior Champion

Stoney Point Excitation Jamie exhibited by Andy Sauder, Tremont, IL

Reserve Senior Champion

Cowbell Guapo Ricochet exhibited by Nic, Jeni, Ben and Andy Sauder, Tremont, IL

Lifetime Cheese Production

1 Pine Haven SSM Marmie exhibited by Nic, Jeni, Ben & Andy Sauder, Tremont, IL

2 Forever Hopeful Tanya exhibited by TJ Classic Jerseys, Ansonia, OH

3 Dalemceej Counciller Tauntra exhibited by Waverly Farm, Clear Brook, VA

4 Family Hill SD Allure exhibited by Royalty Ridge, Ryan and Freynie Lancaster, Tillamook, OR

5 Hard Core Jade Foturna, exhibited by BRJ/SAR, Newberry, SC

6 Covington Rebel Babybell exhibited by Covington Jerseys, Leon, IA

7 Lyon Duke Dutchy exhibited by Ben Sauder, Tremont, IL

8 Nettle Creek Sambo Rosette ET exhibited by Kilgus, Dairy, Fairbury, IL

Aged Cows
Aged Cows

1 Stoney Point Excitation Jamie exhibited by Andy Sauder, Tremont, IL

2 Hillacres Morrae Maryland exhibited by Budjon Vail, Lomira, WI

3 WF Attaboy Apple Pie exhibited by Waverly Farm, Clear Brook, VA

4 Tally Centurion Tilly exhibited by BRJ/SAR, Newberry, SC

5 TJ Classic Moment Layla exhibited by TJ Classic Jerseys, Ansonia, OH

6 SAR Apollo Tessa exhibited by BRJ/SAR, Newberry, SC

7 Rexlea Comerica Fusion exhibited by Sparling Farm, Troy, PA

8 WF Legion Sonoma exhibited by Rich and Theresa Townsend & Sparkle Brook Jerseys, Elkland, MO

9 Millers Kaptain Fashion exhibited by Dick Miller and Family, Osgood, IN

10 Breezy Knoll Missy exhibited by Breezy Knoll Farm, Salem, OH

Five Year Olds
Five Year Olds

1 Family Hill Comerica Flame ET exhibited by Neal & Williams Diley Jerseys, McConnelsville, OH

2 RonNet Sultan Bailey exhibited by Silver Spring, Syracuse, NY

3 Willdina Jade Bee exhibited by Nic, Jeni, Ben & Andy Sauder, Tremont, IL

4 WF Moment Analouet exhibited by Waverly Farm, Clear Brook, VA

5 Governor Angel of Family Hill exhibited by Royalty Ridge, Ryan & Freynie Lancaster & AhnieSeah, Tillamook, OR

6 SSF Bellevue Paprika exhibited by Silver Spring Farm, Syracuse, NY

7 WF Iatola Anarosa exhibited by Waverly Farm, Clear Brook, VA

8 BRJ Excitation BWY Lily Ann A 54 exhibited by BRJ/SAR, Newberry, SC

9 Family Hill Comerica Gwen exhibited by Royalty Ridge, Ryan Lancaster, Tillamook, OR

10 KandR Minister Martha exhibited by Randy Drinkall Family, Rushford, M

Four Year Olds
Four Year Olds

1 Cowbell Guapo Ricochet exhibited by Nic, Jeni, Ben and
Andy Sauder, Tremont, IL

2 KandM Comerica GinnyET exhibited by  Budjon Vail, Lomira, WI

3 Harmony Corners Fozzy exhibited by Matthew, Jacob &
Richards Morgan, Urbana, OH

4 Cascadia Iatoal Puzzle exhibited by Gen Iager, Pleasant
Plain, OH

5 Goal Linita exhibited by Rader & Bailee, Calla &
Mason Mazzaro, Pleasant Plain, OH

6 Ratliff Minister Proscha-ET  by Christy Ratliff, Garnett, KS

7 Ratliff Sultan Velvet exhibited by Nic, Jeni, Ben and Andy
Sauder, Tremont, IL

8 Kelloggbay Amedeo Gladyset exhibited by Megan Hill,
Bristol, VT

9 Stoney Point Giller Farahet exhibited by Barlass Teixeira
Yoesmite Jersey Dairy, Hilmar, CA

10 SA-Fire Hired Guns Blaze exhibited by TJ Classic Jerseys,
Ansonia, OH
Intermediate Champion
Intermediate Champion

TJ Classic Minister Venus-ET exhibited by River Valley Farms, Tremont, IL

Reserve Intermediate Champion

Hawk Pond Rosecrans Maddie, MV Genetica, DMG Cabanha, Dusty Schirm and Keightley & Core Jerseys, Chebanse, IL

Senior Three Year Old
Senior Three Year Old

1 Starwischer Comerica Nataly exhibited by Keightly & Core Jerseys, Kenny & Kelly Jo Manion, Salvisa, KY

2 Ratliff Remake Morgan exhibited by Budjon Vail, Lomira, WI

3 Ratliff Samb Dream-ET exhibited by Ron & Christy Ratliff, Garnett, KS

4 WF Tiger Season exhibited by Waverly Farm, Clear Brook, VA

5 SAR Governor Merry exhibited by BRJ/SAR, Newberry, SC

6 Family Hill Action Sloane exhibited by Royalty Ridge & Ryan Lancaster, Tillamock, OR

7 WF Attaboy Kimmie exhibited by Waverly Farm, Clear Brook, VA

8 Ahlem Action Winsome 33421 exhibited by Kilgus Dairy, Fairbury, IL

9 TC 1453 Goal Bessie exhibited by Kevin Lutz, Lincolnton, NC

10 Freeman Dave Angelina exhibited by Dements Jerseys & Dave Freeman, Kenney, IL

Junior Three Year Old
Junior Three Year Old
 1 Klinedell Iatola Rebecca exhibited by Michael Heath, Westminister, MD

2 Paynside GG Got Milk exhibited by Nic, Jeni, Ben and Andy Sauder, Tremont, IL

3 Ratliff Comerica Patricia-ET exhibited by Ron & Christy Ratliff & Diane Ossenkop, Garnett, KS

4 Norse Star Tequila Shotski exhibited by Grand Fremsted, Westby, WI

5 Norse Star Iatola Brooklyn exhibited by Jason Fremsted, Westby, WI

6 Seacord Farm Comerica Classy exhibited by Seacord Farm, Greenwich, NY

7 WF Tiger Analyn exhibited by Waverly Farm, Clear Brook, VA                   

8 KCJF Jiacomo Malibu exhibited by Keightley & Core Jerseys, Salvisa, KY

9 Excitation Elsie exhibited by Williams Jerseys, McConnelsville, OH

10 Graybill Action Misty-ET exhibited by Donald Graybill, Freeport, IL

Senior Two Year Old
Senior Two Year Old
 1 Hawk Pond Rosecrans Maddie, MV Genetica, DMG Cabanha, Dusty Schirm and Keightley & Core Jerseys, Chebanse, IL

2 Milo V R SUmmeret exhibited by Budjon Vail, Lomira, WI

3 Senn Sational Sparky Flyer exhibited by BRJ/SAR, Newberry, SC

4 KEK Exclamation Rose exhibited by Mill Valley Farms, Sydney, OH

5 Fourhills 1st Blueet exhibited by Megan Hill, Bristol, VT

6 Ratcliff Dually Paris exhibited by Christy Ratliff, Garnett, KS

7 KandM Northstar Charity exhibited by Waverly Farm, Clear Brook, VA

8 Graybill Reagan Hollyhock-P exhibited by Ethan Graybill, Freeport IL

9 Xanadu KK Albet exhibited by Williams Jerseys, McConnelsville, OH

10 WF Iatola Sybil exhibited by Waverly Farm, Clear Brook, VA

Junior Two Year Old
Junior Two Year Old

1 Misan 2 Veratim Effortless exhibited by Nic, Jeni, Ben and Andy Sauder, Tremont, IL

2 KCJF Motions Can Do It exhibited by Keightley & Core Jerseys, Salvisa, KY                              

3 Meadow Ridge Roosevelt Susie exhibited by Roger Riebe & Family, Cumberland, WI

4 DKG Motion Oreo exhibited by Mill Valley Farms, Sidney, OH

5 KCJF Latola Attitude exhibited by Keightley & Core Jerseys, Salvisa, KY

6 WF Trublue Cassidy exhibited by Waverly Farm, Clear Brook, VA

7 Bar None Indiana Ooh La La exhibited by Vivianne Syndicate, Halfway, MO

8 Graybill Harvey Cybil exhibited by Ethan Graybill, Freeport, IL

9 Kilgus Palin Royal exhibited by Kilgus Dairy, Fairbury, IL

10 Zenubi Miss Independent Action exhibited by Michael and Tucker Langfus, Blue Ridge, TX

Milking Yearling
Milking Yearling

1 Meadow Ridge Roosevelt Marlie exhibited by Roger Riebe & Family, Cumberland, WI

2 Edn Ru Tequila Lilaes Lilac exhibited by Marisa Reitnouer, Mohrsville, PA

3 Ratliff Tequila Shotglass-ET exhibited by Ron & Christy Ratliff, Garnett, KS

4 Smokin Hot Rendition Letitia exhibited by Austin Nauman, Norwalk, WI

5 Harmony Corners Socrates 11086ET exhibited by Kilgus Dairy, Fairybury, IL

6 Underground Lmamie Lola exhibited by Nic, Jeni, Ben and Andy Sauder, Tremont, IL

7 SAR Verbatim Poptart exhibited by BRJ/SAR, Newberry, SC

8 Goff Valentine 20193ET exhibited by Herby & Amanda Lutz, Chester, SC

9 Norse Star Aloha Getaway exhibited by Norse Star Jerseys, Westby, WI

10 Bridon Exploit Germaine exhibited by Keghtley & Core Jerseys & Nabholz, Salvisa, KY

Junior Champion
Junior Champion

Stony Point Tequila Sunrise exhibited by Gene Lager, Pleasant Plain, OH

Reserve Junior Champion

Miss Nastias Tequila exhibited by Gracie Krahn, Albany, OR

Winter Yearling
Winter Yearling

1 Payneside Red Solo Cup exhibited by Morgan Betti, Goshen, CT

2 Maker BRC Aloe exhibited by Matt, Ruth, Harold Boycephillis, Alliance, OH

3 DKG Tequila Coffee exhibited by Mill Valley Farms, Sidney OH

4 Edgebrook Tequila Knight exhibited by Delon Mortimer, Smithfield, UT

5 Demmers Furor Magical exhibited by Rick and Amy Demmer, Ellendale, MN

6 Edgebrook Getaway Midnight exhibited by Megan Bushman, Calmar, IA

7 Tequila Evander Cherish exhibited by Blankenship Jerseys, Jackson, TN

8 Shulte Bros Tequila LibbyET exhibited by Hadleigh Jones, Edmonton, KY

9 Knappway BRC Bang A Gong exhibited by Joseph Knapp, Wellington, OH

10 Gil-Bar RM Camay exhibited by Gil-Bar Farm, Janesville, WI

Spring Yearlings

Spring Yearling

1 Stony Point Tequila Sunrise exhibited by Gene Lager, Pleasant Plain, OH

2 Meadow Ridge Mac Kaitlynn exhibited by Roger Riebe & Family, Cubmerland, WI

3 Tumbleweed Tequila Beyonce exhibited by Burkhardt Nugent and Nugent, Lowell, MI

4 Sikmas Tequila Sunrise exhibited by Duane, Dusty, Cole, and Mazzaro Schrim, Chebanse, IL

5 ZJF exhibited by Jaysa Melton, Greenfield, IN

6 Cowbell Guapo Rodeo exhibited by Cowbell Acres, Potsdam, NY

7 Rapid Bay Reagan exhibited by Topp View & Hershberger, Wapakoneta, OH

8 J-Kay Tequila Marcy exhibited by Matthew Richards, Urbana, OH

9 Kyles RM Myra exhibited by Kyle B. Barlass, Janesville, WI

10 DKG Jade Wild Plum exhibited by Mill Valley Farms, Sidney, OH

Summer Yearlings

Summer Yearling

1 Avonlea BC Kept Secret exhibited by Stein Ridge Jerseys, Lawler, IA

2 Reward Upper Chalant exhibited by George Colpetzer, Greenville, PA

3 Bolleacres Fire Erin exhibited by Max Bollenbacher, Argos IN

4 Meadow Ridge Fire Jackpot exhibited by Roger Riebe & Family, Cumberland, WI

5 Tower Vue Lil Whiskey exhibited by Duane & Bailee Cole, Calla and Mason Mazzaro, Williamsfield, OH

6 Millers Governor Heidi exhibited by Dick dg & Family, Osgood, IN

7 J-Kay Tequila Marlee exhibited by Erika, Morgan & Jacob Graves, Urbana, OH

8 Edges Eva exhibited by Mike Rider, Upton, KY

9 Ehrhardt lager latola Sunset ET exhibited by Scott & Breanna Hall Stanford, Westby WI

10 Ollie Minister Marriann exhibited by Beatyview Farm, McDonald, TN

Fall Heifer Calf

Senior Heifer Calf

1 SAY KC Dee Verbatum Lady Buget exhibited by Patrick Youse, Ridgely

2 SSF Tequuila Fantasia exhibited by Jordan & Whitney Ebert, Algoma, WI

3 Shulte Bros Tequila ShotET exhibited by Landree Fraley, Muncy, PA

4 DKG Vindication Passion exhibited by Mill Valley Farms, Sidney, OH

5 Miss Triple T Sure Bet exhibited by Kyle McGuire, West Liberty, OH

6 Brenbe Impression No Fuss exhibited by DN Schrim T Reynolds K Lee & Corey Popp, Chebanse, IL

7 Xanada GP Makers Mark exhibited by George Colpetzer, Greenville, PA

8 Heartfillled Tymes Treasure exhibited by Megan Horn, Jackson Center, OH

9 Cowbell Guapo Georgie exhibited by Cowbell Acres, Potsdam, NY

10 Smokin Hot License to Thrill exhibited by Austin Nauman, Norwalk, WI

Winter Heifer Calf
Winter Heifer Calf

1 Miss Nastias Tequila exhibited by Gracie Krahn, Albany, OR

2 Meadow Ridge Bart Betsy exhibited by Roger Riebe & Family, Cumberland, WI

3 Edges Rita exhibited by Rider Jersey Farm, Tim Cummings, and Triple T Holsteins, North Lewisburg, OH

4 Blackview Guapo Terrific exhibited by Amber Black, Howard  City, MI

5 M Signature Nevada EPIC exhibited by Katelyn, R. Taylor, Allenwood, PA

6 Gil-Bar Barron Emma exhibited by Gil-Bar Farm, Janesville, WI                   

7 Ratliff Impression After Schock-ET exhibited by Ron & Christy Ratliff, Garnett, KS

8 Jodreys Vincent Frost exhibited by Jodrey Jersey Farm, Winchester, OH

9 Cumberlands Voodoo Jade exhibited by Dustin, Adkins, Russell Springs, KY

10 Millers Jurisdiction Lydia exhibited by Dick Miller & Family, Osgood, IN

Junior Heifer Calf
Jersey Heifer Calf

1 DKG Motion Beauty exhibited by Mill Valley Farms, Sidney, OH

2 Ryans Louie Polly exhibited by Janelle Renee Remington, Juneau, WI

3 Xanadu Konspiracy Theory exhibited by Sam, Angela, & George Colpetzer, Greenville, PA

4 Miss Comerica Gorgeous exhibited by Shelby Rader, Atlantic, PA

5 DKG Motion Blinky exhibited by Mill Valley Farms, Sydney, OH              

6 STranshomejk sealwithakisset exhibited by Megan Moede, Algoma, WI

7 Latimore Responses Vanity Rules exhibited by JaneMollie LudwigVAnLieu, York Springs, PA

8 Topp-View Hired Gun Fancy exhibited by Topp View, Wapakoneta, OH

9 Gil-Bar Giller Becky exhibited by Gil-Bar Farm, Janesville, WI

10 FLM Fire Flashy exhibited by Southland Jerseys & Brown Swiss, Shelbyville, TN
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