The Mid-East Fall Red and White Show is finished in Louisville, KY at the North American International Livestock Exhibition. Gus Schwartzbeck of Union Bridge, MD served as the official judge.
Senior Champion and Grand Champion
Senior and Grand Champion
1 KHW Regiment Apple 2 Red-ETN exhibited by Premium-Star and KY –Bluegrass Genetics, Eminence,KY
Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion
Probert D Babette-Red exhibited by Kate Smith, Watertown, WI
1 KHW Regiment Apple 2 Red-ETN exhibited by Premium-Star and KY –Bluegrass Genetics, Eminence,KY
Probert D Babette-Red exhibited by Kate Smith, Watertown, WI
Intermediate Champion
Sageser Marquess Elly-Red exhibited by Morgan Sageser, Shelbyville, KY
Reserve Intermediate Champion
Strans Jen D Taffeta-Red-ET exhibited by The Stransky Clan, Owatonna, MN
1 Strans Jen D Taffeta-Red-ET exhibited by The Stransky Clan, Owatonna, MN
2 MS KY-Blue Margarita-Red-ET exhibited by KY-Bluegrass Genetics Eminence, KY
3 Winterfield Adv Temper Red exhibited by Rocky Run Farms, Greensburg, KY
Junior Two Year Old
1 Beatyview Ruthann-Red-ET exhibited by Beatyview Farm, McDonald, TN
2 Advent Resurrect Robin Red exhibited by Blankenship Jerseys, Jackson, TN
3 Probert C Bree Ella Red exhibited by Kate Smith, Watertown, WI
Sageser Marquess Elly-Red exhibited by Morgan Sageser, Shelbyville, KY
2 Zimbre REdliner Trisha-Red exhibited by Kaycia Zimmerman, Winnebago, IL
Junior Champion
Junior Champion
Bohnview Barb Ling Ling-Red exhibited by Ben Buske, Brownsville, WI
Reserve Junior Champion
Lavas Redburst Layla-ET exhibited by Hill, Whittier, Abbot and Pease, Thurmont, MD
Fall Yearling
1 McWilliams Torch Red exhibited by Ken Main and Peter Vale, Copake, NY
2 MS GA-IL Picolo Plum-Red-ET exhibited by Charlotte Yoder, Dublin, GA
3 Curt-Co Advent Misty-Red exhibited by Stan-Mar-Dale Express Holsteins, Urbana, OH
1 Krull Larson Dirty Girl-Red exhibited by Carley Krull, Lake Mills, WI
2 Chupps Deuce Rudolph Red exhibited by Raequeen Holsteins, Cambridge City, IN
3 Future Manor Mxwl Poppy Red exhibited by Alley Dairy Albany, IN
1 JonLu Shaq McKenzie-Red-ET exhibited by Mallory Russell, Knob Lick, KY
Summer Yearling
Summer Yearling
1 Starmark HP Razzle Red—ET exhibited by Starmark, Wooster, Ohio
2 Sauk-Valley Runner Kate-Red exhibited by Bridges Farm, Horse Cave, KY
3 Hemsteads Shrs Cashmere-Red exhibited by JaCher Holsteins, Van Wert, OH
1 Bohnview Barb Ling Ling-Red exhibited by Ben Buske, Brownsville, WI
2 Milksource LD Teagin-Red-ET exhibited by KY-Bluegrass Genetics, Eminence, KY
3 Roglain Redliner M-Red exhibited by Clay Hershberger, Sugarcreek, OH
4 Kageo Barbrose Red-Et exhibited by Bradley Gilbert, Morristown, TN
5 Gildale Advent Babe Red exhibited by Kenton Carpenter, Earth, TX
1 Schluter Sandy Lee-Red-ET exhibited by Tynnlee Scluter, Gifford, IL
2 Fourhills RB Jess-Red-ET exhibited by Britney Hill, Bristol, VT
3 Penn-Gate Finelli-Red exhibited by Analise, Dillsburg, PA
4Our Destiny BW Roxan-Red-ET exhibited by Don, Holly, NIc, Katherine and Clara Thompson, Plainview, MN
5 Nehls –Valley Starburst-Red exhibited by Starmark Farm, Wooster, OH
Spring Heifer Calf
Spring Heifer Calf
1 Lavas Redburst Layla-ET exhibited by Hill, Whittier, Abbot and Pease, Thurmont, MD
2 Raequeen Dusck Katelyn-Red exhibited by Raequeen Holsteins, Cambridge City, IN
3 Cameron Ridge Rizzy Red exhibited by Rocco Cunningham and Suton Paulson, Arlington, WI
4 Playtoys Mirmr Fonda Red-ET exhibited by Robert Miller and Leroy Kleiner, Greenville, IL
5 Jerland SH Gemstone-ET exhibited by Del Call, South Charleston, OH