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DAT People's Choice Question of the Week: Appreciating Farmland Prices? - Jul 24 2024 (Comments: 2)
Question for the experts: is land worth more today than 30 years ago or does it just take more money to buy it?⁶
DAT People's Choice Question of the Week: A.I. Beef Bulls Used in Your Herd? - Jul 19 2024 (Comments: 3)
We also use 'cheap' A.I. Angus bulls on our bottom 40 to 50 percent of the Holstein herd and sell the calves at 1 or 2 days old to long time buyers. Angus semen is purchased from A.I. companies that
DAT People's Choice Question of the Week: Milk Coops a Thing of the Past? - Jul 12 2024 (Comments: 4)
Prairie Farms Dairy in the Midwest is certainly one that will survive for some time. They are doing a great job for their member owners, paid something like $2.20 patronage last year, after paying fe
DAT People's Choice Question of the Week:Increase in H5N1 Testing? - Jul 3 2024 (Comments: 2)
I'm the government, and I'm here to help, yikes
DAT People's Choice Question of the Week: Breed Associations Changes? - Jun 24 2024 (Comments: 5)
I went to a meeting a while back, which I don't generally do. Mostly because people that go to meetings would be there. Speaker showed slides of feedlots and poultry houses from several years ago. Ca
DAT People's Choice Question of the Week: Dairy Cows at Wisconsin Shows? - Jun 20 2024 (Comments: 6)
Any of you remember the scare that "shipping fever" caused many years ago? I was a teenager showing my Holsteins in 4-H. Cattle in a herd of Ayrshire became sick with shipping fever. Every exhibit
DAT People's Choice Question of the Week: The Most Important Skill? - Jun 10 2024 (Comments: 2)
As we expanded I learned an accountant/business manager can be hired to take care of the financials, I have been able to hire people that love working with cows daily. I need to be able to hire and l
DAT People's Choice Question of the Week: Your Standard for Success? - Jun 6 2024 (Comments: 3)
For us, profitability has always been our measure of success. We have a high herd average, which I believe has some correlation with profitability. High scoring cows, show winners and selling embryos
DAT People's Choice Question of the Week: Stored Colostrum or Colostrum Replacer? - May 31 2024 (Comments: 2)
We check all colustrum with a refractometer. We save everything over 19 and warm it when calves are born. We do keep colustrum replacer for instances when for some reason we are out of colustrum. In