February 2025 Genomic Evaluation List

The February genomic run resulted in 55 new Holstein females over 3290 TPI and 27 new ones over 1349 for Net Merit. These elite animals have been added to the list from December 2024 and January 2025.
The animals in black font are from the December run, those in red from January and those in blue from February. 

315 Holstein females over 3290 TPI - December 2024, January and February 2025

229 Holstein females over 1349 Net Merit - December 2024, January and February 2025

January 2025 Genomic Evaluation List

The January genomic run produced 34,311 Holstein females with new genomic evaluations. Very possible the largest number ever tested in one month?
Of those there are 55 that were added to the list of elite females that tested over 3290 TPI and 38 new ones that tested over 1349 Net Merit.

Those in black font are from the December run and those in red are from January.

260 Holstein females over 3290 TPI - December 2024 and January 2025

202 Holstein females over 1349 Net Merit - December 2024 and January 2025

December 2024 Genomic Evaluation List

The December genomic update produced 10,150 Holstein females that tested over 3128 TPI. Of those there are 205 that are over 3290 TPI, 164 over 1349 Net Merit, and 3 that are over 3200 TPI, over 3 on udder composite and plus for fertility index.

205 Holstein females over 3290 TPI - December 2024

164 Holstein females over 1349 Net Merit - December 2024

3 Holstein females over 3200 TPI, 3.00 on UDC or higher and plus on Fertility Index - December 2024

November 2024 Genomic Evaluation List

26,432 Holstein Females received new genomic evaluations in November. Of
those there are 33 new ones that are over 3289 TPI and 19 new ones over
1339 Net Merit. These have been added to the list from August,
September, and October.
Those in black font are from the August run, red from September, blue
from October and green from November.

314 Holstein females over 3289 TPI - August, September, October and November 2024

292 Holstein females over 1331 Net Merit - August, September, October and November 2024

October 2024 Genomic Evaluation List

The October genomic run resulted in 20 new Holstein females that tested over 3289 TPI and 20 over 1331 Net Merit
This brings the new totals for these elite groups to 281 for TPI and 273 for Net Merit.
Those in black font are from the August run, red from September and blue from October.

281 Holstein females over 3289 TPI - August, September and October 2024

273 Holstein females over 1331 Net Merit - August, September and October 2024

September 2024 Genomic Evaluation List

The September genomic run resulted in 17 new Holstein females that tested over 2289  TPI bringing the new total over 2289 to 261.
There are 9 new ones that are over 1339 Net Merit, the new total for that category is 253.
Out of 17,682 females getting results in September, there are 3 that are over 3 on udder composite and plus for fertility index.

Those in black font are from the August run and red from the September run.

261 Holstein females over 3289 TPI - August and September 2024

253 Holstein females over 1339 Net Merit - August and September 2024

3 Holstein females over 3.21 on UDC or higher and plus on Fertility Index - September 2024

August 2024 Genomic Evaluation List

The August genomic run produced 244 Holstein females that are over 2289 TPI and 244 that are over 1339 Net Merit.

244 Holstein females over 2289 TPI - August 2024

244 Holstein females over 1339 Net Merit - August 2024

July 2024 Genomic Evaluation List

The July genomic run generated 17 new Holstein females over 3229 GTPI, and 1299 Net Merit, there were 3 new ones that are over 3 on udder composite and plus for fertility index. These have been combined with those from April, May and June. Those in black font are from April, red from May, blue from June and green from July.

329 Holstein females over 3229 TPI - April, May, June and July 2024

423 Holstein females over 1299 Net Merit - April, May, June and 2024

13 Holstein females over 3.00 on UDC or higher and plus on Fertility Index - May, June and July 2024

July 2024 Genomic Evaluation List

The July genomic run generated 17 new Holstein females over 3229 GTPI, and 1299 Net Merit, there were 3 new ones that are over 3 on udder composite and plus for fertility index. These have been combined with those from April, May and June. Those in black font are from April, red from May, blue from June and green from July.

329 Holstein females over 3229 TPI - April, May, June and July 2024

423 Holstein females over 1299 Net Merit - April, May, June and 2024

13 Holstein females over 3.00 on UDC or higher and plus on Fertility Index - May, June and July 2024

May and June 2024 Genomic Evaluation List

The May and June Genomic runs produced 37 new Holstein females that tested over 3229 TPI, 31 new ones over 1299 Net Merit and 10 that are 3.00 or over on udder composite and plus for fertility index.
Those in black font are from April, red from May and blue from June.

312 Holstein females over 3229 TPI - April, May and June 2024

406 Holstein females over 1299 Net Merit - April, May and June 2024

10 Holstein females over 3.00 on PTAT or higher and plus on Fertility Index - April, May and June 2024

May and June 2024 Genomic Evaluation List

The May and June Genomic runs produced 37 new Holstein females that tested over 3229 TPI, 31 new ones over 1299 Net Merit and 10 that are 3.00 or over on udder composite and plus for fertility index.
Those in black font are from April, red from May and blue from June.

312 Holstein females over 3229 TPI - April, May and June 2024

406 Holstein females over 1299 Net Merit - April, May and June 2024

10 Holstein females over 3.00 on PTAT or higher and plus on Fertility Index - April, May and June 2024

May and June 2024 Genomic Evaluation List

The May and June Genomic runs produced 37 new Holstein females that tested over 3229 TPI, 31 new ones over 1299 Net Merit and 10 that are 3.00 or over on udder composite and plus for fertility index.
Those in black font are from April, red from May and blue from June.

312 Holstein females over 3229 TPI - April, May and June 2024

406 Holstein females over 1299 Net Merit - April, May and June 2024

10 Holstein females over 3.00 on PTAT or higher and plus on Fertility Index - April, May and June 2024

April 2024 Genomic Evaluation List

The April genomic run is in the books. There are now 275 Holstein females that are over 3229 TPI, 375 over 1299 Net Merit, and 23 that have the elite combination of being over 2865 TPI, 3.00 on PTAT or higher and plus for fertility index.

275 Holstein females over 3229 TPI - April 2024

375 Holstein females over 1299 Net Merit - April 2024

23 Holstein females over 2865 TPI, 3.00 on PTAT or higher and plus on Fertility Index - April 2024

March 2024 Genomic Evaluation List

The March genomic run resulted in 58 new Holstein females that tested over 3199 TPI, 22 new ones over 1289 Net Merit and 5 that are 3 or over for udder composite and plus for fertility index. These have been added to the lists from December, January and February and posted on the Dairy Agenda Genomic page.

Those in black font are from December, red from January, blue from February and green from March.

341 Holstein females over 3199 GTPI - December 2023, January, February and March 2024

238 Holstein females over 1289 Net Merit - December 2023, January, February and March 2024

21 Holstein females 3.00 or higher for Udder Composite and plus on Fertility Index - January, February and March 2024

February 2024 Genomic Evaluation List

The February Genomic run produced 23 new Holstein females over 3199 TPI,
12 new ones over 1289 Net Merit and 6 new ones that are 3 or higher on
udder composite and plus for fertility index. 

283 Holstein females over 3199 GTPI - December 2023, January and February 2024

215 Holstein females over 1289 Net Merit - December 2023, January and February 2024

16 Holstein females 3.00 or higher for Udder Composite and plus on Fertility Index - January and February 2024

January 2024 Genomic Evaluation List

The January genomic run generated 28 new Holstein females over 3199 GTPI
bringing the total in the breed to 261. There are 22 over 1289 Net Merit
bringing the combined total to 204. Of the 19,962 females that received
new evaluations, there were only 3 new ones that are 3.00 or over for
udder composite and plus for fertility index.
The range for GTPI in January is 1309 to 3291, and for Net Merit the
range is -664 to +1393.

Those in black font are from the December run and those in red are
from January.

261 Holstein females over 3199 GTPI - December 2023 and January 2024

204 Holstein females over 1289 Net Merit - December 2023 and January 2024

3 Holstein females 3.00 or higher for Udder Composite and plus on Fertility Index - January 2024

December 2023 Genomic Evaluation List

The December genomic run resulted in 233 Holstein females that tested
over 3199 TPI, 182 over 1289 Net Merit, and 10 that were over 3001 TPI,
2.9 UDC and plus for fertility index.

233 Holstein females over 3199 GTPI - December 2023

182 Holstein females over 1289 Net Merit - December 2023

10 Holstein females over 2.9 Udder Composite and plus on Fertility Index - December 2023

November 2023 Genomic Evaluation List

The November genomic run resulted in 21,922 Holstein females with new
genomic evaluations. There are 12 elite new females that tested over
3199 TPI, 13 new ones over 1279 Net Merit and 9 new ones that are over 3
for udder composite and plus for fertility index.
These have been added to the previous lists from August, September and
October, on the Dairy Agenda Genomic page.
Those in black font are from the August run, red from September, blue
from October and green from November.

178 Holstein females over 3199 GTPI - August, September, October and November 2023

191 Holstein females over 1279 Net Merit - August, September, October and November 2023

18 Holstein females over 2.9 Udder Composite and plus on Fertility Index - September, October and November 2023

October 2023 Genomic Evaluation List

The October genomic run gave us 8 new Holstein females that tested 3200
GTPI or higher bringing the total in the breed to 191, There are 7 new
females that tested 1280 for Net Merit of higher bringing the new total
to 166 and there are 3 new females that are 3.00 or higher on udder
composite and plus for fertility index, these are from the September and
October runs.
Those in black font are from the August run, red from September and blue
from October.

191 Holstein females 3200 GTPI and higher - August, September and October 2023

166 Holstein females 1280 Net Merit and higher - August, September and October 2023

9 Holstein females 3.02 UDC or higher and plus on Fertility Index - September and October 2023

September 2023 Genomic Evaluation List

The September genomic run produced 21,464 Holstein females with new genomic evaluations. 

The range on this large group is:
 1243 to 3270 TPI
-693 to +1384 Net Merit
-4.7 to +4.9 Fertility Index
-4.3 to +9.3 productive life

There are 18 new females that tested over 3199 GTPI.
18 new ones over 1379 Net Merit and just 6 that are 
over 3 on Udder Composite and plus for fertility index.

159 Holstein females 3200 GTPI and higher - August and September 2023

183 Holstein females 1280 Net Merit and higher - August and September 2023

6 Holstein females 3.02 UDC or higher and plus on Fertility Index - August and September 2023

August 2023 Genomic Evaluation List

The August genomic run resulted in 59,827 Holstein females that tested
over 2831 GTPI.
We have sorted this list and posted some of the most elite on the Dairy
Agenda Genomic Page.
There are 141 that tested 3200 GTPI or higher, 171 tested 1280 Net Merit or higher and 
only 37 that are 2905 GTPI or higher, over 3.0 on Udder composite and plus
for fertility index.

141 Holstein females 3200 GTPI and higher - April, May, June, July, August 2023

171 Holstein females 1280 Net Merit and higher - April, May, June, July, August 2023

37 Holstein females that are 2905 GTPI or higher, 3.02 UDC or higher and plus on Fertility Index - May, June, July, August 2023

July 2023 Genomic Evaluation List

There are 32 new females over 3179 GTPI, 16 new ones over 1269 Net Merit
and 2 new ones that are over 3 on udder composite and plus for fertility
index. Those in black font are from the April run, red from May, green from
June and blue from July.

322 Holstein females over 3179 GTPI - April, May, June, July 2023

261 Holstein females over 1269 Net Merit - April, May, June, July 2023

12 Holstein females 3.00 UDC or higher and plus on Fertility Index - May, June, July 2023

June 2023 Genomic Evaluation List

The June Genomic run produced 25,517 Holstein females with new genomic
evaluations. Of those 25,517 there are 55 new ones over 3179 TPI and 43 
new ones over 1269 NM.
Of well over 40,000 Holstein females tested in May and June of this
year, there are now 10 that are over 3.00 on Udder Composite and plus
for fertility index.
For TPI and Net Merit, the females in Black font are from the April run,
red from May and Green from June.

290 Holstein females over 3179 GTPI - April, May, June 2023

245 Holstein females over 1269 Net Merit - April, May, June 2023

10 Holstein females 3.00 UDC or higher and plus on Fertility Index - May and June 2023

May 2023 Genomic Evaluation List

The May Genomic run produced 24.414 Holstein Females with new genomic
evaluations. There are 51 new heifers that tested over 3179 TPI and 34 new ones over
1269 Net Merit. These have been added to the lists from April.
Of the 24.414 newly tested females in May there are 3 that are over 3
for Udder Composite and plus for fertility index, these 3 are also listed.

235 Holstein females over 3179 GTPI - April and May 2023

203 Holstein females over 1269 Net Merit - April and May 2023

3 Holstein females 3.00 UDC or higher and plus on Fertility Index - May 2023

April 2023 Genomic Evaluation List

The April Genomic run produced 10,625 Holstein Females that tested over
2979 GTPI.

184 Holstein females over 3179 GTPI - April 2023

169 Holstein females over 1269 Net Merit - April 2023

165 Holstein females over 165 CFP - April 2023

61 Holstein females over 2.6 UDC an plus on Fertility Index - April 2023

March 2023 Genomic Evaluation List

318 Holstein females over 3120 GTPI - December 2022, January, February and March 2023

379 Holstein females over 1199 Net Merit - December 2022, January, February and March 2023

Top PTAT Holstein females - February and March 2023

The March genomic run produced 19,164 Holstein females with new genomic
Of those there are 44 new females over 3120 GTPI bringing the new total
to 318, There are 56 new females that are over 1199 Net Merit, bringing
the new total to 379. There are now a total of 73 females that tested 3.5 or higher for PTAT
in February and March and 9 that are over 3 on PTAT and plus for
fertility. For GTPI and NM those in black font are from the
December run, red from Jan, blue from Feb and green from March.

February 2023 Genomic Evaluation List


273 Holstein females over 3120 GTPI - December 2022, January 2023 and February 2023

323 Holstein females over 1199 Net Merit - December 2022, January 2023 and February 2023

139 Holstein females over 3.00 PTAT and 8 Holstein females over 3.00 PTAT and plus for FI - February 2023

Something new for the Dairy Agenda Genomic Page--
This month we have added a new sort to the Genomic page. Of the 22,230
Holstein females receiving new genomic evaluations this month there are
139 that tested over 3.00 for PTAT. The range for PTAT was -3.13 to
+4.59. Of the 139 over 3.oo for PTAT, there are 8 of them that are also
plus for Fertility Index, a rare but highly sought after combination,
and we have listed those 8 as well.
There were 52 new females that tested over 3199 for GTPI bringing the
new total to 273 and there are 64 new females over 1199 Net Merit
bringing that total to 323. All these lists are posted on the Dairy
Agenda Genomic Page. The top GTPI and Net Merit females in black font
are from the December run, red font from January and blue font from

    January 2023 Genomic Evaluation List


221 Holstein females over 3120 GTPI - December 2022 and January 2023

259 Holstein females over 1199 Net Merit - December 2022 January 2023


The first genomic run of the New Year produced 18,633 Holstein females

with new genomic evaluations. Their are 25 new females over 3120 GTPI and

43 new ones over 1199 Net Merit.


Those in black font are from December and those in red are from January.

December 2022 Genomic Evaluation List

196 Holstein females over 3120 GTPI - December 2022

215 Holstein females over 1199 Net Merit - December 2022

276 Holstein females over 199 CFP - December 2022

191 Holstein females over 349 Feed Efficiency - December 2022

The December Genomic run produced 10,147 Holstein Females that tested
3121 GTPI or higher.
We have posted lists of the top GTPI, Net Merit, Feed efficiency and CFP

November 2022 Genomic Evaluation List

281 Holstein females over 3099 GTPI - August, September, October and November

292 Holstein females over 1174 Net Merit - August, September, October and November

There were 21,250 Holstein females that received new genomic evaluations
this month. Of those there are 40 new ones that tested over 3099 GTPI
and 41 over 1174 Net Merit bringing the total over 3099 GTPI to 281 and
those over 1174 NM to 292.
Those in black font are from the August run, red from September, green
from October and blue from November.

October 2022 Genomic Evaluation List

241 Holstein females over 3099 GTPI - August, September and October

259 Holstein females over 1174 Net Merit - August, September and October

The October genomic run produced 18,598 Holstein females with new
genomic evaluations. There are 32 elite new females that tested over
3099 GTPI bringing the total in the breed over 3099 to 241. There are 38
new females that tested 1174 NM or higher bringing that total to 259.
The new combined lists can be found on the DAT Genomic page. Those in
black font are from the Aug run, red from Sept and green from Oct.

September 2022 Genomic Evaluation List

213 Holstein females over 3099 GTPI - August and September

222 Holstein females over 1174 Net Merit - August and September

The September genomic run produced 20,138 Holstein females with new
genomic evaluations. There are 29 new females that tested over 3099 GTPI
and 40 that came in over 1174 Net Merit. Those in black font are from the August run
and those in red are from September.
Of interest is that Wilra SSI 1910 2254 who has been at the top of the
list of Holstein Females for almost a year and a half and no doubt has
calves that will soon be coming onto the lists, has been tied for GTPI
by a calf that is still on the bottle, Genosourse Matriarch, born July
22, 2022. Well over 300,000 new Holstein females have been tested since
2254 first lead the genomic list but none have topped her yet. What a
run for Wilra Holsteins! It will certainly be interesting to see where
her sons and daughters place on upcoming lists in the very near future.

August 2022 Genomic Evaluation List

184 Holstein females over 3099 GTPI - August

182 Holstein females over 1174 Net Merit - August

The August Genomic run produced 10,076 Holstein females that tested 2925
GTPI or higher. There are 184 elite individuals that tested over 3099
GTPI and 182 that tested over 1174 Net Merit.

July 2022 Genomic Evaluation List

278 Holstein females over 3089 GTPI - April, May, June and July 2022

The July Genomic run produced over 17,000 Holstein females with new
genomic evaluations. Of those there are 19 new females over 3089 GTPI
and those have been added to the previous list bringing then new total
over 3089 to 278. The range on these newly tested females runs from 319
GTPI to 3153 and from -1412 Net Merit to +1239.

The females in black font are from the April run, red from May, blue
from June and green from July.

June 2022 Genomic Evaluation List

259 Holstein females over 3089 GTPI - April, May and June 2022

The June genomic run by the CDCB produced 22,120 Holstein females with
new genomic evaluations.
Of those, there are 17 elite new females that tested higher than 3089

Those in black font are from the April run
Red from May
Blue from June

May 2022 Genomic Evaluation List

242 Holstein females over 3089 GTPI - April and May 2022

The May genomic run by the CDCB produced 20,825 Holstein females with
new genomic evaluations. It is interesting to note the range in traits
and composite indexes for these newly tested females. They range from
1319 to 3184 for GTPI, from -693 to +1246 for Net Merit, 2.33 to 3.42
for SCS, -5.3 to +9.3 for productive life and -5.1 to +4.4 for fertility
index. I guess that is why we test them?
There are 19 elite new females that tested 3090 GTPI or higher and 28
that tested 1155 NM or higher. These have been added to the lists from
April, the females from April are in black font and those from May are
in red font.

April 2022 Genomic Evaluation List

223 Holstein females 3089 GTPI or higher -  April 2022

141 Holstein females over 199 CFP - April 2022

202 Holstein females over 1154 NM$ - April 2022

The April Genomic run by the CDCB produced 10,005 Holstein females that
tested 2912 GTPI or higher.
The list is topped by 223 females that tested over 3089 GTPI.
The list of the top GTPI, Net Merit and top combined fat and protein are above.

March 2022 Genomic Evaluation List

246 Holstein females 3049 GTPI or higher -  December 2021, January 2022, February 2022 and March 2022

The March Genomic run produced 24 elite new Holstein females over 3049
GTPI. Those 24 have been added to the previous list bring the new total
to 246.
Those in black font are from the December run, red from January, green
from February, and blue from March.

February 2022 Genomic Evaluation List

222 Holstein females 3050 GTPI or higher -  December 2021, January 2022 and February 2022

The February genomic run produced 23 elite Holstein females that tested
over 3049 GTPI. They have been added to the list from December and
January bringing the new total over 3049 to 222.

The females in black font are from the December run, those in red are
from January and February in green font.

January 2022 Genomic Evaluation List

199 Holstein females 3050 GTPI or higher -  December 2021 and January 2022

The January genomic run produced 22,556 Holstein females with new
genomic evaluations. Of those there are 30 elite new females that tested
over 3049 GTPI. Those 30 have been added to the list from the December
run bringing the new total over 3049 to 199. Those in black font are
from the December run and those in red are from January.

December 2021 Genomic Evaluation List

169 Holstein females 3050 GTPI or higher -  December 2021

The December genomic run produced 169 Holstein females that tested 3050
GTPI or higher. There are now 10,220 Holstein females that are 2860 or higher.

134 Holstein females over 190 CFP - December 2021

195 Holstein females over 1109 NM$ - December 2021

225 Holstein females over 315 Feed Efficiency - December 2021

November 2021 Genomic Evaluation List

339 Holstein females over 3029 GTPI August, September, October and November 2021

The November genomic run produced 43 new Holstein females that are over 3029 GTPI.
Those 43 have been added to the previous list bringing the new total over 3029 to 339.

Those in black font are from the August run, red from September, green
from October and blue from November.

October 2021 Genomic Evaluation List

296 Holstein females over 3029 GTPI August, September and October 2021

The October Genomic run produced 44 new Holstein females over 3029 GTPI,
bringing the total over 3029 to 296.
The females from the Aug run are in black font, September in red and
October in Green.

September 2021 Genomic Evaluation List

 252 Holstein females over 3029 GTPI August and September 2021

The September genomic run produced 23,797 Holstein females with new
genomic evaluations. They ranged from 471 3116 GTPI and -1093 to 1240
NM. There are 45 new females tested over 3029 GTPI bringing the new total
over 3029 to 252.

Those in black font are from the August run and those in red are from

August 2021 Genomic Evaluation List

The August Genomic run produced 10,200 Holstein females that are 2846
GTPI or higher. Of those there are 207 that are over 3029 GTPI, Those have been
added to the list along with several other sorted lists.
 207 Holstein females over 3029 GTPI August 2021
66 Holstein females 100 points over Parent Average or higher August 2021
209 Holstein females over 184 CFP August 2021
214 Holstein females 1099 NM$ August 2021
224 Holstein females over 2.29 UDC and 2846 GTPI August 2021

July 2021 Genomic Evaluation List

562 Holstein Females +3000 GTPI and Higher - April, May, June and July

The July Genomic run produced 20,747 Holstein females with new genomic
evaluations. Of those there are 113 that tested 3000 GTPI or higher.
Those elite females have been added to the previous list from April, May
and June bringing the new total over 3000 GTPI to 562.

Those in black font are from the April run, red from May, green from
June and blue from July.

June 2021 Genomic Evaluation List

449 Holstein Females +3000 GTPI and Higher - April, May and June

The June genomic run has 12,103 Holstein females with new genomic
evaluations. Of those there are 86 new ones that are 3000 GTPI or
higher. Those 86 have been added to the list on the Dairy Agenda Genomic
Page bringing the new total over 3000 to 449.
Those in black font are from the April run, red from May and green from

May 2021 Genomic Evaluation List

364 Holstein Females +3000 GTPI and Higher

The May genomic run produced 23,250 Holstein females with new genomic
evaluations. They ranged from 1267 to 3135 GTPI. Of those there are 99
new elite females that are 3000 GTPI or higher. Those 99 have been added
to the list from May bringing the new total over 3000 GTPI to 364.

April 2021 Genomic Evaluation List

265 Holstein Females +3000 GTPI and Higher

120 Holstein females over 900 NM$ April 2021
 122 Holstein Females over 185 CFP April 2021
 150 Holstein Females over 310 Feed Efficiency April 2021
The April Genomic run produced 10,228 Holstein Females that tested 2824
GTPI or higher. Of these there are 265 that are 3000 GTPI or higher

March 2021 Genomic Evaluation List

628 Holstein Females +2960 GTPI and Higher - March, February, January 2021 and December 2020

The March genomic run resulted in 17,241 Holstein females with new
genomic evaluations. Of those there are 128 that tested 2960 GTPI or
higher. We have added those to the previous list bringing the new total
over 2960 to 628.
Those in black font are from the December run, red from Jan. blue
from Feb and green from March.

February 2021 Genomic Evaluation List

489 Holstein Females +2960 GTPI and Higher - February, January 2021 and December 2020

The February genomic run produced 89 new Holstein females that are over
2959 GTPI. This brings the total over 2959 to 489. The new combined list
from December, January and February has been posted on the Dairy Agenda
Genomic page. Those in black font are from December, red from January
and blue from February

January 2021 Genomic Evaluation List

400 Holstein Females +2960 GTPI and Higher - January 2021 and December 2020

The January Genomic run resulted in 24,701 Holstein females with new
genomic evaluations. Of those there are 99 that are over 2960 GTPI,
Those have been added to the list from December bringing the new total
over 2960 to 400. Those in black font are from
December and those in red are from this month.

December 2020 Genomic Evaluation List

301 Holstein Females +2960 GTPI and Higher - December 2020

With the December Genomic run there are now 10,181 Holstein Females that
are +2803 GTPI or higher.
On the Dairy Agenda Today Genomic page you will find the list of the top
301 Holstein Females, that tested +2960 GTPI or higher.
You can also find the list of top Net Merit females, the list of females
that have the highest combined fat and protein, Holstein females that
are 2.30 udder composite and over +2803 GTPI and those that are 200
points or higher over parent average and over +2803 GTPI.

140 Holstein Females over +864NM$ - December 2020

119 Holstein Females over 175 CFP - December 2020

126 Holstein Females over 2.3 UDC and 2803 GTPI - December 2020

135 Holstein Females 200 GTPI points over Parent Average or Higher - December 2020

November 2020 Genomic Evaluation List

217 Holstein females +2970 GTPI and higher - August, September, October and November 2020

The November Genomic run produced 16,152 Holstein females with new
genomic evaluations. Of those there are 20 that tested 2970 GTPI or
higher. Those 20 have been added to the previous list bring the new
total to 217. Those in Black font are from August, red from September, blue from October
and Green from November

October 2020 Genomic Evaluation List

197 Holstein females +2970 GTPI and higher - August, September and October 2020

The October Genomic run produced 19,207 Holstein Females with new
genomic evaluations. Of those there are 20 that are 2970 GTPI or higher
and those 20 have been added to our list on the Genomic Page bringing
the new total over 2970 to 197. Those in black font are from August, red
from Sept and blue from Oct.

September 2020 Genomic Evaluation List

177 Holstein females +2970 GTPI and higher - August and September 2020

The September genomic run produced 16,247 Holstein females with new
genomic evaluations. There are 15 elite new females that are 2970 GTPI
or higher and they have been added to the list from August bringing the
new total at 2970 or higher to 177.

August 2020 Genomic Evaluation List

The August genomic run produced 10,146 Holstein females that tested 2970
GTPI or higher. Of those 162 are 2970 GTPI or higher.

162 Holstein females +2970 GTPI and higher - August 2020
149 Holstein females 260 Feed Efficiency or higher - August 2020

148 Holstein females over 860 NM$ - August 2020

137 Holstein females over 175 lbs. combine Fat and Protein - August 2020

128 Holstein females 200 points or more over Parent Average - August 2020

125 Holstein females over 7.7 Productive Life - August 2020

107  Holstein females over 3 Fertility Index - August 2020

81 Holstein females 2.50 SCS or lower - August 2020

July 2020 Genomic Evaluation List

280 Holstein females +2974 GTPI and higher - April, May, June and July 2020

The July Genomic run produced 18,304 new Holstein females with genomic
evaluations. There are 40 over 2974 GTPI and they have been added to the
previous list bringing the new total over 2974 to 280. Those in black
font are from April, red from May, blue from June and green from July.

June 2020 Genomic Evaluation List

228 Holstein females +2974 GTPI and higher - April, May and June 2020

The June Genomic run produced 13,282
Holstein Females with new evaluations. There are 15 new elite females
that are 2974 GTPI or higher and they have been added to the list. Those in black font are
from the April run, red font from the May run and blue from the new June

May 2020 Genomic Evaluation List

228 Holstein females +2974 GTPI and higher - April and May 2020

The May Genomic run produced 19,192 Holstein females with new genomic
evaluations. Of those there are 28 elite heifers that tested 2974 GTPI
or higher and they have been added to the list from May bringing the new
total over 2974 to 228. MATCREST BATMAN 2222-ET, 3101 GTPI,  is the
breeds new high female. This January calf traces back to Frank Regan's
famous Snow-N Denises Dellia through the Cookie Cutter branch of the
family. Kind of neat to see one of the Breed's great families of old
leading the Breed in 2020.

Those in black font are from the April run and those in red are from

April 2020 Genomic Evaluation List
The April Genomic run produced 10,139 Holstein Females that tested 2787
GTPI or higher. The April run included the 5 year Base adjustment.
We have added several lists to our Genomic page. 
200 Holstein females +2974 GTPI and higher - April 2020
151 Holstein females 175 lbs. combine Fat & Protein or more - April 2020
147 Holstein females 200 points above Parent Average or more - April 2020
94 Holstein females 890NM$ and higher - April 2020 

March 2020 Genomic Evaluation List

Holstein females +2875 GTPI and Higher - March 2020, February 2020, January 2020 and December 2019

The March Genomic Evaluations produced 20,455 Holstein females with new
genomic evaluations.
These 20,455 females ranged from 553 GTPI to 2990 GTPI and from -669 NM
to +1138 NM.
There are 46 new females that tested 2875 GTPI or higher and they have
been added to our previous list binging the new total of 2875 or higher
to 329.

The animals in black font are from the December run
Those in red are from January
Blue from February
Green from March.

February 2020 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2875 GTPI and Higher - February 2020, January 2020 and December 2019 

There are 21,868 Holstein females with new genomic evaluations in
February. Of those there are 57 new females that are 2875 GTPI or
higher. We have added those to the previous list from December and
January bringing the new total of those that are 2875 or higher to 283.
We have added this new list of elite Holstein females to the Dairy
Agenda Today Genomic Page, those in black font are from the December
run, red from January and blue from February. 

January 2020 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2875 GTPI and Higher - January 2020 and December 2019 

The January 2020 genomic run produced 26,115 Holstein females with new
genomic evaluations. There are 41 females that are 2875 GTPI or higher.
We have added them to the list from December bringing the new total of
females at 2875 or higher to 227.

The females in black font are from the December run and those in red are
from the January run.

December 2019 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2875 GTPI and Higher - December 2019

The December genetic update produced 10,024 Holstein females that are
over 2690 GTPI.
Topping the new list at 3046 GTPI is Bomaz Legacy 9214-ET. Legacy 9214
is the result of 40 years and 14 generations of Bomaz breeding going
back to Bomaz Elevation Dawn born in July of 1979. Elevation Dawn was
preceded by 4 generations of cows carrying the well known Green-Meadow
We have added several sorted lists to the Dairy Agenda Today Genomic
 139 Holstein Females over 1074 NM December 2019
129 Holstein Females 200 GTPI Points or more over Parent Average December 2019 
106 Holstein Females over 199 Combine Fat and Protein December 2019 

July 2019 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2865 GTPI and Higher - April, May, June and July 2019

The July genomic run produced 69 new Holstein females that are 2865
GTPI or higher. We have added them to the previous list. The new total for elite females over 2865 is 
370. Those in black font are from April, red from May, blue from June 
and green from July. 

June 2019 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2865 GTPI and Higher - April, May and June 2019

The June genomic run produced 49 new females to add to the list of 
elite females that are 2865 GTPI or higher. The new list totals 301.  
Those in black font are from the April run, red from May and blue from 

May 2019 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2865 GTPI and Higher - April & May 2019

The May genomic run produced 31,553 Holstein  females with new genomic evaluations, this could very well be the highest number ever getting results in one month? Kind of amazing considering the state of the dairy economy but it proves that in tough economic times dairyman are finding value in genomic testing. This group ranged from 524 to 3038 GTPI and from -766 to 1160 Net Merit. The Holstein Breed has a new #1 for both GTPI and Net Merit, Born March 15, "probably still on milk?" she is S-S-I LA 27180 22861-ET, owned by Larson Acres from Wisconsin.  She shows an amazing combination of production, health and type, 191 lbs. combined fat and protein with 262 feed efficiency, 8.9 productive life, 1.5 fertility index, 2.56 SCS, and 2.67 udder composite. She has a deep "high type" pedigree stacked with prefixes like Siemers, Cherry Crest, and Whittier Farms. Her sire stack is Legacy, IMax, Delta, Supersire, Windbrook and Man O  Man.

There are 66 new Females that are over 2864 GTPI and they have been added to the list from April bringing the new total to 253. Those in black font are from the April run and those in red are from May. 

April 2019 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2865 GTPI and Higher - April 2019

The April Genomic run produced 10,023 Holstein Females that are 2683 GTPI or higher. There are 187 that are 2865 GTPI or higher. Sorted lists for the top females for combined fat and protein, Net Merit, Feed Efficiency along with a list of females that are over 2683 GTPI and 225 or more points over parent average are below.
155 Holstein Females over 119 Net Merit - April 2019
172 Holstein Females over 185 CFP - April 2019
110 Holstein Females 225 over parent average or higher - April 2018
144 Holstein Females over 254 Feed Efficiency - April 2019

March 2019 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2850 GTPI and Higher - Dec. 2018, Jan. 2019, Feb. 2019 and March 2019

The March Genomic run produced 19,345 new Holstein females with genomic 
evaluations. There are 78 that are 2850 GTPI or higher, those have been 
added to the list from December, January, and February. The females in 
black font are from Dec, those in red are from Jan, blue from Feb, and 
green from March.

February 2019 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2849 GTPI and Higher - December 2018, January 2019 and February 2019

The February Genomic run produced 23,541 Holstein females with new genomic evaluations.

There are 100 new females that are 2849 GTPI or higher

The females in black font are from the December run

Those in red font are from January

Blue font from February

January 2019 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2850 GTPI and Higher - December 2018 and January 2019

The January Genomic run produced 21,586 new Holstein females with 
genomic evaluations.
The range for GTPI was 1209 to 3029 GTPI.
For Net Merit, the range was from -314 to +1094.
There are 79 new Holstein females that are over 2849 GTPI and they have 
been added to our previous list bring the new total over 2849 to 356.

The females in black font are from the December run and those in red 
are from January.

December 2018 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2850 GTPI and Higher - December 2018
Looking back 5 1/2 years to April 2013 the cut off for the top 10,000 genomic tested females was 2160 GTPI so the bottom of the list has gone up just under 100 points per year on average.

Ms Delicious Nightout topped the list back in April 2013 at 2797 GTPI and was born in January of that year. Today at almost 6 years of age, her index has increased to 2833 GTPI.

The numbers show us that while the bottom of the Top 10,000 list has move up over 500 points the top of the list has increased only 171 points so it would appear that efforts have been made keep the top from running away from the pack?

That being said, tremendous genetic progress is taking place in the Holstein Breed.

99 Holstein Females over $1017NM - December 2018
104 Holstein Females over 250 Feed Efficiency - December 2018
111 Holstein Females over 3.2 UDC and 2689 GTPI - December 2018
133 Holstein Females over 5.4 Fertility Index and 2689 GTPI - December 2018
169 Holstein Females 190 points over Parent Average or higher - December 2018

November 2018 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2860 GTPI and Higher - August, September, October and November 2018

The November genomic run produced 25,930 new Holstein females with genomic evaluations. There are 84 new females that are 2860 GTPI or higher. Those 84 have been added to our previous list bringing the total at 2860 or higher to 467. The females in black font are from the August run, red font from September, blue from October and green from November.

October 2018 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2860 GTPI and Higher - August, September and October 2018

The October Genomic run produced 19,528 Holstein females with new genomic evaluations. There are 52 new females that are 2860 GTPI or higher and they have been added to the list from August and September bringing the total over 2860 to 383.  Those in black font are from the Aug run, those in red are from the Sept run and those in blue are from the Oct run.

September 2018 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2860 GTPI and Higher - September 2018

The September genomic run produced 27,405 Holstein females with new genomic evaluations. The group ranged from 1160-3030 GTPI and from -326 to +1095 Net Merit.

There are 44 new females that have been added to our elite list of those that are 2860 GTPI or higher bringing the total to 344.

Those in black font are from the August run and those in red are the new ones from September.

August 2018 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2860 GTPI and Higher - August 2018

The August Genomic run produced 10,500 Holstein females that are 2687
GTPI or higher. It appears that some of the losses incurred in the April
run were given back in the August run. We have posted on the Dairy
Agenda Today Genomic page,the list of 288 Holstein females that are 2860
GTPI or higher. We have also posted a few of our sorted lists and will
add more in the coming days
Holstein females 250 FE and Higher - August 2018
 Holstein females over 999 NM$ - August 2018
Holstein females over 5 FI - August 2018

July 2018 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2825 GTPI and Higher - April, May, June and July 2018

The July genomic run produced 41 new Holstein Females over +2825 GTPI. These have been added to the list from previous months bringing the total at or over +2825 GTPI to 369.  The females in black font are from the April run, those in red are from May, green from June and blue from July.

June 2018 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2825 GTPI and Higher - April, May and June 2018

The June Genomic run produced 22,009 new Holstein females with genomic evaluations. There are 39 new females over 2825 GTPI and we have added those to our list on the Dairy Agenda Today Genomic page. There is now a total of 328 females over 2825 GTPI. Those in black font are from the April run, those in red are from May and those in green are from June.

May 2018 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2825 GTPI and Higher - April and May 2018

The May genomic run produced 25,090 new Holstein females with genomic evaluations. They ranged from 1090 to 2917 GTPI and from -412  to 1038 NM. There were 24 new heifers over 2825 GTPI and we added those to the list from April bringing the new total to 289 over 2825 for April and May. Those black font are from the April run and those in red are from May. 

April 2018 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2825 GTPI and Higher - April 2018

The April Genetic update produced 10,085 Holstein females that are 2644 GTPI and higher.
A significant downward adjustment to productive life and daughter pregnancy rate resulted in the significant lowering of both TPI and Net Merit.
In March there were 671 Holstein females over 2850 GTPI and after adding 18-20,000 newly tested females in April there are now only 129 that are over 2850 GTPI.
We have posted the list of 265 females that are 2825 GTPI or higher
Check back of the next few days as we sort the new list in various ways and add those lists to our Genomic page
We have sorted the April Holstein genomic list several ways and added those lists to the Dairy Agenda Genomic page. We have 2 sorts that we are doing for the first time. The 1st is a list of females that are over 2643 GTPI and are 225 points over parent average or higher. The 2nd new list is the top Holstein females for combined fat and protein.

95 Holstein females over 1000 NM$
107 Holstein females over 8.5 Productive Life 
118 Holstein females over 225 or higher GTPI points above Parent Average 
131 Holstein females 3.0 and over for PTAT and over 2643 GTPI 
136 Holstein females over 184 lbs. combine Fat and Protein  
155 Holstein females over 249 Feed Efficiency

March 2018 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2850 GTPI and Higher - December 2017, January 2018, February 2018 and March 2018

The March Genomic run for Holsteins produced 18,605 new Holstein females with genomic evaluations. The range on GTPI was 1092-3049. The run produced a new #1 Holstein female at 3049 GTPI, she also ranks #3 for Net Merit at 1148. The calf born 12/29/17 is sired by S-S-I Modesty  Pinnacle and a Jedi dam from a VG-87 Larcrest Commander, then a VG-87 Uno from a VG-85 Planet. This elite calf is owned by Pen-Col Farms and Hembury Farms.

There is now a total of 671 Holstein females that have tested at 2850 GTPI or higher. Those in black font are from the December 2017 run, those in red are from January 2018, green from February 2018, and blue from March 2018.

February 2018 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2850 GTPI and Higher - December 2017, January 2018 and February 2018

The  February Genomic run produced 20,026 Holstein females with new genomic evaluations, and 71 of those were 2850 GTPI or higher. We have added these elite animals to the list of those from previous months and posted the new list on the Dairy Agenda genomic page. Those in black font are from the December run, those in Red are from January and Green are from February. 

January 2018 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2850 GTPI and Higher - December 2017 and January 2018
The January genomic run produced 22,544 Holstein females with new genomic evaluations. There are 110 new females that are +2850 GTPI or higher, bringing the total over 2850 to 501. The list of those 501 elite females has been added to the Dairy Agenda Today Genomic Page. Those in black font are from the December run and those in red are from January. 

December 2017 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2850 GTPI and Higher - December 2017

The December genomic run produced 10,071 Holstein Females that tested +2675 GTPI or higher. There are now 391 that are +2850 GTPI and higher with 2 now over +3000 GTPI.

In the PL/Productive Life column, animals with *** in their line are over 10 on PL.
A brief sort of these 10,071 top females revealed that 9929 of them are over +1 or higher on udder composite and the lowest UDC on the entire group is +.35, not too bad?

Sorted Lists
141 Holstein Females, 110 lbs fat and higher, Dec 17
192 Holstein Females, 235 Feed efficiency and higher, Dec 17
259 Holstein Females, 1000 NM and higher, Dec 17
130 Holstein Females, 3.00 PTAT and higher, Dec 17
126 Holstein Females, 5.5 Fertility index and higher, Dec 17
71 Holstein Females, 2.5 SCS and below, Dec 17

November 2017 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2800 GTPI and Higher - August, September, October and November 2017
The November genomic run produced 20972 new Holstein females with genomic evaluations. The range on these new females from November is 1173 GTPI to 2938, and from -416 NM to +1140. That brings the total of females that got new genomic evaluations after the August run to well over 60,000. There are 138 new females added to the list of those at 2800 GTPI or higher to 952. Those in black font are from the August run, those in red are from September, blue from October and green from November.

October 2017 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2800 GTPI and Higher - August, September and October 2017
The October Holstein genomic run produced 13,362 females with new genomic evaluations. They ranged from 1081-2979 GTPI, -379 to +1082 Net  Merit, -132 to +259 feed efficiency and -4-8 to +6.8 fertility index. There are 88 new females at 2800 GTPI or higher bringing the total in that category to 815.  Those in black font are from the August run, red from September and blue from October. 

September 2017 Genomic Evaluation List
Holstein females +2800 GTPI and Higher - August and September 2017
The September Genomic run produced 26,358 new Holstein Females with genomic evaluations. The range of the newly tested females is 945 to 2962 GTPI and -547 to +1079 NM$.   Of the 26,358 there are 109 that are 2800 GTPI or higher. Those 109 have been added to those from August bringing the total at +2800 GTPI and higher to 727.
Those females in red font are from September and those in black are from August.

August 2017 Genomic Evaluation List
 Females +2800 GTPI and Higher - August 2017
The August genetic update produced 619 Holstein Females that are +2800 GTPI or higher. In all there are now 10,010 Holstein Females that are +2634 GTPI or higher. Check back later on the Dairy Agenda Today genomic page to see the various sorted lists of these elite Holsteins. 
We have sorted the list of 10,090 genomically tested Holsteins that are 
over 2634 GTPI for Net Merit, Feed Efficiency, lbs protein, Type, and 
Fertility Index, and posted those lists below. There are 
several animals that would otherwise make these lists if they were 2634 
GTPI or higher. We have also created a list of females that are 2800 GTPI or 
higher and 10 or more months of age. 
126 Holstein females over 4.99 Fertility Index - August 2017 
139 Holstein females over +2.99 PTAT - August 2017 
227 Holstein females over +77 lbs. Protein - August 2017 
261 Holstein females over +950 NM$ - August 2017 
265 Holstein females over 229 Feed Efficiency - August 2017 
Holstein females over +2800 GTPI and 10 or more months of age - August 2017 

July 2017 Genomic Evaluation List
 Females +2800 GTPI and Higher - April, May, June and July 2017
 The July Genomic run resulted in 16,469 hew Holstein females with genomic evaluations. Those 16,469 ranged from 1086 to 2926 GTPI and from -464 to +1014 NM$. There are 46 new females over 2800 GTPI bringing the total over 2800 to 512.  The females in black font are from the April run, those in red from May, green from June and blue from July. 

June 2017 Genomic Evaluation List
 Females +2800 GTPI and Higher - April, May and June 2017
 The June 2017 genomic run produced 21,442 new Holstein Females with genomic evaluations. The range on this run was from 1081-2929 GTPI and from -455 to +1056 for Net Merit. There are 43 new females over 2800 GTPI compared to 75 in April from a similar size group of 22,023. 

Those 43 new females over 2800 have been added to the previous list and posted on the Dairy Agenda Today Genomic page. The females in black font are from The females from the  April run are in black font, those in red are from May and those in Green are from June.

May 2017 Genomic Evaluation List

 Females +2800 GTPI and Higher - April - May 2017
 There were 22,023 Holstein Females that received genomic evaluations in May. They range from 1114-2950 GTPI and from -396 to +1084 Net Merit.

There are 75 new Holstein Females that are +2800 GTPI or higher bringing the total to 420 at +2800 or higher.

The list of those over +2800 GTPI has been added to the Dairy Agenda Today Genomic page.

The females in black font are from the April run and those in red are from May.

April 2017 Genomic Evaluation List

 Females +2800 GTPI and Higher - April 2017
 The April Genetic update provided 10,094 Holstein Females that are +2601 GTPI or higher.

There are now 345 that are +2800 GTPI or higher and the list of those females has been posted on the Dairy Agenda Today Genomic page. 

We have sorted the list of 10,094 Holstein Females that are 2601 GTPI
or higher by Net Merit, Milk, Protein, Feed Efficiency, and Type and
posted those lists on our Dairy Agenda Today Genomic page.
It is interesting to note that almost 1/3 of the 10094 females are
sired by just 2 bulls, Jedi and Modesty and both of these top bulls have
both Mogul and Supersire close up in their pedigrees. In all, well over
75% of the top 10,094 to Holstein Females have Mogul and Supersire very
close in their pedigrees.

March 2017 Genomic Evaluation List

 Females +2800 GTPI and Higher - December 2016 - March 2017
 The March genomic run produced 17,448 Holstein females with new genomic
evaluations. Those 17,448 females ranged from 975-2942 GTPI and from
-447 to +1031 NM$. There were 50 new females at 2800 GTPI or higher
bringing the total to 447. The list of those 447 females over 2800 GTPI
has been added to the Dairy Agenda Genomic page.
The females in Black font are from the December run
Red from January
Blue from February
Green from March

February 2017 Genomic Evaluation List
Females +2800 GTPI and Higher - December 2016 - February 2017 
 The February genomic run for Holsteins produced 24,085 Holstein females with new genomic evaluations. They ranged from +966 to +2941 GTPI, from -561 to +1045 NM, and from -5.7 to + 8.5 DPR.

There are 69 new Holstein females that are +2800 GTPI or higher, these 69 have been added to the list from December and January, bringing the total at +2800 GTPI and higher to 397. This combined list has been added to the Dairy Agenda Today Genomic Page, the females in black font are from the December run, those in red are from the January run and those in blue from the February run. 

January 2017 Genomic Evaluation List
Females +2800 GTPI and Higher - December - January 2017 
There were 17,538 Holstein Females that received new genomic evaluations in January. The range on those with new evaluations was from +1091 GTPI to +2923 GTPI and from -467 NM to +1002 NM.

There were 56 new females that are +2800 GTPI or higher and those have been added to the list from December 

The animals in red font are from the January run and those in black are from December.

GTPI is a trademark of the Holstein Association USA. 

December 2016 Genomic Evaluation List
Females +2800 GTPI and Higher - December 2016 
December's genetic update produced a total of 10,094 Holstein females that are +2575 GTPI

The breed now has 1 female over +3000 GTPI.

14 from +2900 - +2977 GTPI

257 from +2800 - +2899 GTPI

1624 from +2700 - +2799 GTPI

5717 from +2600 - +2699 GTPI

2480 from +2575 - +2599 GTPI

Of the 271 females over +2800, 108 are sired by Jedi and 80 by Modesty.
December 2016 Sorted Genomic Lists 
 These lists are created using the list of 10,023 Holstein Females that are 2575 GTPI or higher.

We also sorted the list of 271 Females that are 2799 GTPI or higher by sire. S-S-I Montross Jedi-ET 7HO13250 has the most daughters on this list with 108. Jedi is marketed by Select Sires.

GTPI is a trademark of the Holstein Association USA.

22 Red Holstein females +2579 GTPI and higher - December 2016 
101 Holstein females over +950NM$ - December 2016 
152 Holstein females over 220 Feed Efficiency - December 2016 
192 Holstein females over +75 lbs. Protein - December 2016 
199 Holstein females over 5 Fertility Index - December 2016 
239 Holstein females over +3.00 PTAT - December 2016 
Polled Females
 A list of the top 30 GTPI Polled Holstein females - December 2016

This list comes from the list we get of the top 10,000 GTPI females so in order to make our list they must be over +2575 GTPI and have a recessive code of PO, PC, TP, or PP listed by Holstein 
 Lists sorted by Bulls 
13 Montross daughters over +2799 GTPI - December 2016 
79 Modesty daughters over +2799 GTPI - December 2016 

108 Jedi daughters over +2799 GTPI - December 2016


November 2016 Genomic Evaluation List
 Females +2700 GTPI and Higher August - November 2016
 The November genomic run resulted in new genomics on 15,614 Holstein
Females. The range for GTPI on these 15,614 females was 1096 to 2931
GTPI and 1047 NM. The breed has a new top female with Sandy-Valley
Highlight-ET topping the list at 2931 GTPI. While she carries the well
known Sandy-Valley prefix her sire and maternal grandsire carry the
Bacon-Hill Prefix, she is a Modesty from a Montross,then Uno, Planet,
Shottle, Oman, to the famous Rudy Missy from Pine Tree Farms. There are
113 new females that are 2700 or higher bringing the total for that
elite group to 946. Check the genomic page to see the outstanding
combination of traits required to made a 2931 calf. Not too long ago one
wondered if we could put high production, high health and solid type in
one package but Sandy-Valley Highlight proves once again that we can get
what we select for.
Those in black font are from the August run
Red from the September run
Blue from the October run
Green from the November run

October 2016 Genomic Evaluation List
Females +2700 GTPI and Higher October 2016 
 There were 11938 Holstein females that received genomic evaluations for the first time in October. Of those 11938 there are 64 that are +2700 GTPI or higher. We have added those 64 to those from Aug and Sept, bringing the total that are over 2700 to 833. The list of these elite females is posted on the Dairy Agenda Genomic page. Those in black font are from August, red from September and Blue from Oct. Remember the weighting of the SNPs from one month to the next may not be exactly the same, only in the quarterly full evaluations will all animals truly be on the exact same basis. 

September 2016 Genomic Evaluation List
Females +2700 GTPI and Higher September 2016
The September 2016 Genomic run included new genomic information on 17,439 Holstein Females. Of these there are 108 over +2700 GTPI bring the total over +2700 GTPI to 770.
Those in black font are from the August run and those in red are from the September run.

August 2016 Genomic Evaluation Lists
Females +2700 GTPI and Higher August 2016
 The August genetic update produced 10,113 Holstein females that are 2528 GTPI or higher.

There is now 1 female over 2900 and that is Stantons Jedi Elisa and she stands at a lofty2911 GTPI.

There are 51 females between 2800 and 2873 GTPI

And 610 that 2700-2799 GTPI for a total of 662 that are from 2700-2911 GTPI
 August 2016 Sorted Genomic Lists
All sorts are made from the list of the top 10028 Holstein females that
are 2528 GTPI or higher so there could be some animals that would
otherwise make the lists but are below 2528 GTPI.
126 Females +2600 GTPI and Higher from dams under +2250 GTPI
165 Females 215 and Higher Feed Efficiency (FE)
174 Females 4.5 and Higher Fertility Index (FI)
174 Females +2300 lbs. Milk and Higher
175 Females +900NM$ and Higher
280 Females +70 lbs. Protein and Higher
10 CHARISMATIC daughters over +2700 GTPI
11 DAMARIS daughters over +2700 GTPI
11 DETOUR daughters over +2700 GTPI
11 PROFIT daughters over +2700 GTPI
12 DRACO daughters over +2700 GTPI
14 MONTROSS daughters over +2700 GTPI
22 SUPERSHOT daughters +2700 GTPI and Higher
26 ALTASPRING daughters +2700 GTPI and Higher
29 DENVER daughters +2700 GTPI and Higher
43 SILVER daughters +2700 GTPI and Higher
52 RUBICON daughters +2700 GTPI and Higher
87 JEDI daughters over +2700 GTPI
90 DELTA daughters +2700 GTPI and Higher
102 MODESTY daughters +2700 GTPI and Higher

July 2016 Genomic Evaluation Lists
Females +2600 GTPI and Higher April - July 2016 
There were 279 new Holstein females that came in at +2600 GTPI or higher in July, this brings the total females over +2600 GTPI to 3408. The list of those +2600 GTPI and higher is posted on our genomic page. Those on the list in Black font are from the April run, those in Red font from May, Green font from June and Blue font from July. There were a total of 12322 Holstein females with new genomic results in the United States in July. The range on those 12322 is from +791 GTPI to +2864 GTPI. 

June 2016 Genomic Evaluation Lists
Females +2600 GTPI and Higher April - June 2016 
There were 19654 Holstein Females that received genomic evaluations in the US in June, they ranged from 873 to 2831 GTPI.
Of those 19654 there were 410 new females over 2600 bringing to new total to 3131 over 2600 GTPI.
We have added the list of those 3131 Holstein Females to our genomic page, the females in Black font are from the April run, those in Red are from the May run and those in Green from the June run. 

May 2016 Genomic Evaluation Lists

The May 2016  Genomic run added 310 new Holstein Females that are +2600 GTPI or higher to the list. There is now a total of 2412 Holstein Females that are +2600 or higher with 19 over +2800 GTPI, and 372 that are +2700 - +2799 GTPI.  The new Females from the May run in RED font and the Females from the April run in BLACK font.
Females over +2600 GTPI April-May 2016

April 2016 Genomic Evaluation Lists 

The April genetic update produced 10,418 Holstein Females that are 2490 GTPI or higher.

There are 2411 Females that are 2600 GTPI or higher, we sorted that list
by sire and have posted the lists of bulls who have 15 or more daughters over 2600.

Leading the list with 291 daughters over 2600 is
MR MOGUL DELTA 1427-ET, marketed by ST Genetics.
Behind Delta is Seagull-Bay Silver with 244 daughters, Silver is marketed by ABS Global.
Behind Delta on the list with 220 daughters over 2600 is
EDG Rubicon also marketed by ST Genetics.

187 Females over 70 lbs Protein, April 2016

Alta1stclass_21 Daughters over 2600 April 2016

AltaSpring_128 Daughters over 2600 April 2016

Bayonet_23 Daughters over 2600 April 2016

Boastful_16 Daughters over 2600 April 2016

Damaris_101 Daughters over 2600 April 2016

Delta_291 Daughters over 2600 April 2016

Denver_58 Daughters over 2600 April 2016

Dozer_19 Daughters over 2600 April 2016

Draco_69 Daughters over 2600 April 2016

Jedi_62 Daughters over 2600 April 2016

Josuper_56 Daughters over 2600 April 2016

Kingboy_60 Daughters over 2600 April 2016

Monterey_77 Daughters over 2600 April 2016

Montross_79 Daughters over 2600 April 2016

Muscadet_22 Daughters over 2600 April 2016

Octoberfest_21 Daughters over 2600 April 2016

Profit_72 Daughters over 2600 April 2016

Rubicon_220 Daughters over 2600 April 2016

Silver_244 Daughters over 2600 April 2016

Spark_24 Daughters over 2600 April 2016

Supershot_165 Daughters over 2600 April 2016

Supersire_39 Daughters over 2600 April 2016

Troy_35 Daughters over 2600 April 2016

Yoder_88 Daughters over 2600 April 2016

March 2016 Genomic Evaluation Lists 

Females Over 2700 GTPI ~ December 2015 to March 2016

There are 36 new Holstein females that are 2700 GTPI, 
adding those to the previous list brings the 
total number of Holsteins over 2700 to 356.

There were a total of 13,674 Holstein Females that 
received genomic evaluations for the 1st time in March.

The range on those 13,674 was 1141-2886 GTPI and -467 NM to +946 NM.

Looking at the list:

The animals in Black font are from the December run
Red from January
Blue from February
Green from March

February 2016 Genomic Evaluation Lists
Females +2700 GTPI and Higher Dec 2015 to Feb 2016 
The females in Black font on the list are from the December 2015 run, those in Red are from the January 2016 run and those in Blue are from the February 2016 run

January 2016 Genomic Evaluation Lists
Females +2700 GTPI and Higher Dec 2015 to Jan 2016 
The females in Black font on the list are from the December 2015 run and those in Red are from the January 2016 run

December 2015 Genomic Evaluation Lists
230 Females +2700 GTPI and Higher 
Top Net Merit Females 
 Females +2550 GTPI and Higher and over 9 months of age 
 53 Females below 2.51 SCC 
 100 Females for lbs of Milk 
 82 Females over 5.0 Fertility Index 
 132 Females over 200 Feed Efficiency 
Our sorts are generated from the list of females over 2462 GTPI, 
therefore there could be females that could otherwise make a particular 
list but are below the 2462 threshold. 

We sorted the 1670 Holstein Females that are 2600 GTPI or higher in December by sire. There are 23 bulls that have 10 or more daughters on this elite list. Below are those lists.

11 BOASTFUL daughters over 2600 GTPI

12 MAIN EVENT daughters over 2600 GTPI

12 PURE daughters over 2600 GTPI

14 MOGUL daughters over 2600 GTPI

15 DENVER daughters over 2600 GTPI

16 OCTOBERFEST daughters over 2600 GTPI

18 MUSCADET daughters over 2600 GTPI

21 SPARK daughters over 2600 GTPI

26 ALTA1st CLASS daughters over 2600 GTPI

26 MEGASIRE daughters over 2600 GTPI

30 HALOGEN daughters over 2600 GTPI

37 DRACO daughters over 2600 GTPI

50 JOSUPER daughters over 2600 GTPI

63 SUPERSIRE daughters over 2600 GTPI

65 KINGBOY daughters over 2600 GTPI

67 MONTROSS daughters over 2600 GTPI

73 YODER daughters over 2600 GTPI

82 RUBICON daughters over 2600 GTPI

87 ALTASPRING daughters over 2600 GTPI

104 MONTEREY daughters over 2600 GTPI

144 SUPERSHOT daughters over 2600 GTPI

162 SILVER daughters over 2600 GTPI

170 DELTA daughters over 2600 GTPI

November 2015 Genomic Evaluation List
 August - November   Females +2600 GTPI and Higher
 Animals in Black are from August, Red from September, Blue from October, Green from November

October 2015 Genomic Evaluation List
August - October  Females +2600 GTPI or Higher 
 Animals in Black are from the August Run, Red from September and Blue from October

September 2015 Genomic Evaluation List
 September 2015 - Females that are +2500 GTPI or higher

August 2015 Genomic Evaluation List
August 2015 - Females that are 2500 GTPI or higher 

July 2015 Genomic Evaluation List
 1154 Holstein females that are 2500 GTPI or higher
 The animals in black are from the May run, those in red are from the June run and those in blue are the new ones from the July run.
 July 2015 - Females that are 2500 GTPI or higher

June 2015 Genomic Evaluations List
June 2015  -  Females over +2500 GTPI 

May 2015 Genomic Evaluations List

May 2015 - Females Over 2500 GTPI or Higher    (Excel File)

April 2015 Genomic Evaluations List

The April Genetic update produced a total of 10024 Holstein Females
that are 2360 GTPI or higher.
Check back  for several sorts that we will added to this page later.

April 2015 - 1927 Females Over 2500 GTPI or higher    (Excel File)

March 2015 Genomic Evaluations List 
The March 2015 genomic run added 346 new females that are 2500 GTPI or higher, bringing the total to 2344.
There were 10120 Holstein Females that received genomic evaluations in March.
Not all that long ago a monthly run would produce 2-3000 new animals.
It is obvious that many commercial dairies have added genomic testing to their herd management.
COOKIECUTTER PETRON HALOGEN has the most daughters on the list with 203,
but the April TPI changes will not reward his extreme health traits.
MOUNTFIELD SSI DCY MOGUL has the 2nd highest number of daughters on the list with 161 at 2500 or more.
Mogul is no doubt currently having the greatest impact on top genomic
Holsteins through his offspring and that of his many sons and daughters.
It has been a while and we may seldom see the time that a daughter proven bull
can put as many daughters at the top of the GTPI list as Mogul.

The females on the list in Black are from the December run
Green-January 2015
Red-February 2015
Blue-March 2015

2344 Holstein females that are 2500 GTPI or higher    (Excel File)

February 2015 Genomic Evaluations List 
Animals in Black are from the Dec 2014 run 
Animals in Green are from the from January 2015 run
Animals in Red are from the Feb 2015 run 
 1998 Holstein females that are 2500 GTPI or higher    (Excel File)

December 2014 Genomic Evaluations List 

Females Over +2495 GTPI December 2014    (Excel File)

208 Females Over +2.8 Type, December 2014   (Excel File) 

231 Females Over +750 NM$, December 2014   (Excel File)

438 Females Over +2500, From Dams Under 2300   (Excel File)

Top GTPI Females Scored GP-80 Or Higher   (Excel File)

Top GTPI Polled Females   (Excel File)

November 2014 Genomic Evaluations List 

The animals in Green are from the November run.

August to November 2014 -- Females over +2400 GTPI OR $800NM   (Excel File)

October 2014 Genomic Evaluations List 

The CDCB has released the proposed changes for the 5 year base change,
Net Merit formula change and they will release new genomic test results weekly
rather than the current monthly release.
These changes can be seen in detail on their website at-




A layman's  review of the Net Merit changes sees some emphasis coming off of Productive Life,
Somatic Cell Score, Feet/Leg composite, and fertility.
Additional emphasis will go to Protein, Fat, Udder Composite,  and Body Size Composite.
Heifer Conception Rate and Cow Conception Rate will be incorporated with Daughter Pregnancy
Rate in order to make the total fertility contribution more accurate. 

This weeks genomic run added 285 Holstein Females over 2400 GTPI and 96 more 
that are over 800 NM and under 2400 GTPI. 
There are now a total of 3569 Holstein females that meet this criteria. 

The females in Black are from the August run, Red from September and Blue are from the October run.

August to October 2014 -- Females Over +2400 GTPI OR +800 NMF   (excel file)

August 2014 Genomic Evaluations List

The genomic update is complete for August 2104. 
There are now 10,063 Holstein Females that are 2262 GTPI or higher. 
Of those there are 1781 that are 2400 GTPI or higher. 

August  2014 - Females Over +2400 GTPI (excel file)
August 2014 - 229 Females Over +3.6 PTAT (excel file)
August 2014 - 487 Females Over +2200 # Milk (excel file)
August 2014 - 598 Females Over +70 # Protein (excel file)

September 2014 Females Over +2400 GTPI OR 800 NM$ (excel file)
The females in black font are from the August run and
those in red are from the September run.
There are 
now 3189 females that qualify for this list.
The September run produced 
211 new females over 2400 GTPI and
129 that are over 800 NM and under 
2400 GTPI.

Alpina Altaembassy Daughters Over 2350 GTPI  (excel file)
Altajackman Daughters Over 2350 GTPI (excel file)
Balitso Daughters Over 2350 GTPI (excel file)
Bookem Daughters Over 2350 GTPI (excel file)
Claynook Deductive Daughters Over 2350 GTPI (excel file)
Clear-Echo Lexor Racer Daughters Over 2350 GTPI (excel file)
Cookiecutter Petron Halogen Daughters Over 2350 GTPI (excel file)
Coyne-Farms Jacey Cri Daughters Over 2350 GTPI (excel file)
Coyne-Farms Jetset Daughters Over 2350 GTPI (excel file)
Coyne-Farms Srock Mack Daughters Over 2350 GTPI (excel file)
De-Su Distinction 11130 Daughters Over 2350 GTPI (excel file)
De-Su Epc Crabtree 11336 Daughters Over 2350 GTPI (excel file)
De-Su Freddie Galaxy Daughters Over 2350 GTPI (excel file)
De-Su Jerod 1223 Daughters Over 2350 GTPI (excel file)
De-Su Ltm Ponder 11345 Daughters Over 2350 GTPI (excel file)
De-Su Ltm Rodgers 11379 Daughters Over 2350 GTPI (excel file)
De-Su Mg Davinci  11288 Daughters Over 2350 GTPI (excel file)
De-Su Mgl Greenway 11396 Daughters Over 2350 GTPI (excel file)
De-Su Nominee Daughters Over 2350 GTPI (excel file)
De-Su Ransom Daughters Over 2350 GTPI (excel file)
Dorcy Daughters Over 2350 GTPI (excel file)
Farnear-Tbr-Cashcoin Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Genervations Epic Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Genervations Liquid Gold Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Genervations Willpower Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Hammer-Creek Fred Krunch Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Jabir Daughters Over 2350 GTPI (excel file)
Ladys-Manor Graf La-Bron Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Ladys-Manor Man-O-Shan Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Ladys-Manor Olympian Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Ladys-Manor Pl Shamrock Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Marbri Facebook Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Massey Daughters Over 2350 GTPI (excel file)
Mccutchen Daughters Over 2350 GTPI (excel file)
Melarry Robust Miles Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Minnigan-Hills Day Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Montross Daughters Over 2350 GTPI (excel file)
Mountfield Msy Maurice Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Mountfield Ssi Dcy Mogul Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Mr Lookout P Enforcer Daughters Over + 2350 GTPI (excel file)
Mr Numero Uno St-Louis Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Mr Ocd Robust Donatello Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Mr Welcome-Hill Tango Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Pen-Col Beluga Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Pine-Tree Altaoak Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Regancrest Paradise Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Rickland Predestine 669 Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Roylane Socra Robust Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Seagull-Bay Headliner Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Seagull-Bay Platinum-Ets Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Seagull-Bay Supersire Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
S-S-I Bookem Morgan Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
S-S-I Epic Midnight Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
S-S-I Mogul Defender Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
S-S-I Mogul Multiply Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
S-S-I Mogul Reflector Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
S-S-I Snowman Mayflower Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Uno Daughters Over 2350 GTPI (excel file)
Val-Bisson Doorman Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Vekis Chevrolet Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Vieuxsaule Fame Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)
Vision-Gen Alright Daughters Over +2350 GTPI (excel file)

July 2014 Genomic Evaluations List

Here is the new genomic list for July.
The animals in Black are from the April run,
Red from the May run,
Blue from the June run, and
Green from the July run.


Females over +2400 GTPI -- April, May, June & July 2014 (excel file)

June 2014 Genomic Evaluations List

The June Genomic run for Holsteins Females produced 5002 new
genomically tested females that ranged from 1003 to 2578 GTPI. There
were 138 new females over 2400 GTPI. We have attached the list of those
females along with a list that incorporates them with previously tested
females. On the combined list, those in black font are from the April
run, those in red are from May and those in blue are from June.


Females Over +2400 GTPI --- April, May & June 2014 (excel file)

Females over +2400 GTPI -- June 2014 (excel file)

May 2014 Genomic Evaluations List

There are 6451 Holstein Females that received their first genomic
evaluations in May. Of those there are 211 over 2400 GTPI. The range was
935 GTPI at the bottom to 2660 GTPI at the top of the May list. The
lowest tested female in May at 935 was a December 2013 daughter of
Whirlhill Kingpin. The sires that dominated the May list are
Cookiecutter Petrone Halogen and Coyne-Farms Jacey CRI, both with 22 new
daughters that are 2400 GTPI or higher.


 (excel file)

Females over 2400 GTPI April & May 2014 (excel file)

Females over 2400 GTPI April & May 2014 (pdf file)


New Holstein High Ranking Genomic Young Bulls for May (pdf file)

April 2014 Genomic Evaluations List

In the Holstein Breed there are now
1 Female over 2700 GTPI
15 Females from 2600-2699 GTPI
133 from 2500-2599 GTPI
934 from 2400-2499 GTPI
3766 from 2300-2399 GTPI

Lists of top Polled Females and the high females for DPR, NM, Protein, and Milk are now listed.
Check back as more lists are added.




































































March 2014 Genomic Evaluations List

There were 4652 females that received genomic results in March.
263 of those were 2350 GTPI or higher.
We have posted the list of all females in the Holstein breed that are 2350 or higher.
The ones in Black had genomics in December,
those in Red got theirs in January,
those in Blue in February and those in green in March.

December 2013 through March 2014 - COMBINED LIST

February 2014 Genomic Evaluations List

There are a total of 5349 females that got genomics for the first time in February.
They ranged from 768 GTPI on the low end to 2612 GTPI at the top of the list.
There were 21 new females over 2500 GTPI in February for a total of 110 in all over 2500.
There were 71 new females from 2400-2499 GTPI for a total of 708.
There were 117 new females from 2350-2399 GTPI for a total of 1151.
There are now 1969 Holstein females that are 2350 -2758 GTPI.
Some of these 1969 females are from outside the United States and many of them
will not be breeding or flush age for some time.
You can find the list of females that are 2350 and higher below.

Here is the color codes for the pdf's below.
Those in Black are from the December Run
Red from the January Run
Blue from the February Run

December 2013 through February 2014 - COMBINED LIST

February 2014 - High Ranking Genomic Young Bulls

January 2014 Genomic Evaluations List

Here is the new January Genomic list combined with the December list.