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It's 24 Karat Goldwyn Time!

One can hardly escape a Holstein show today without hearing the name Goldwyn announced over and over again. This three time premier sire of World Dairy Expo has had an influence in the Holstein show ring that is virtually unmatched, but his influence doesn’t stop there. Producing stylish daughters with good feet and legs and exceptional udders his daughters are also strong enough to produce milk with significantly above average components.  This combined with transmitting positive productive life and udder health  puts him on a playing field to not only win at the shows but to compete on the level of less show ring savvy but high indexing bulls such as Shottle and O Man.


Born on January 3, 2000, Goldwyn was bred by the Beaton family of Braedale Holsteins, Cumberland, Ontario. His dam, Braedale Baler Twine (VG-86-29*), was contracted as a heifer by the Semex Alliance. Bred to Shoremar James (GP-Extra), the mating produced Goldwyn, her first natural calf.


Julien Chabot, sire analyst for Semex Alliance commented that he stopped in and saw Baler Twine just fresh and it was an obvious choice for Semex to take in Goldwyn.    He contracted her for five more sons at that time.   Julien said that Baler Twine and her full sister Second Cut are his favorite daughters of Gypsy Grand, a cow family he has contracted for 15 years dating back to when Gypsy Grand was a 2 year old and is now*37. Baler Twine was a hard topped, balanced individual with beautiful feet and legs. 


“Goldwyn’s best trait is breeder satisfaction,” states Julien. “Everybody who has ‘Goldwyn’ daughters loves them and everybody that doesn’t, wants to buy some.”


“Goldwyn’s career has been fascinating,” says Julien.  “From the first time I went to see his original daughter group in November 2004, I have been a fan.  With each genetic evaluation he has added daughters and maintained a top ranking which includes his current ranking of #5 LPI in Canada, while in the US he ranks as the #9 TPI sire, based on the same qualities that make him popular worldwide with almost 40,000 milking daughters, tremendous udders, low SCS, high productive life and excellent type. Goldwyn’s breeding pattern is true and certainly represents the epitome of Balanced Breeding at Semex and worldwide. 


Celebrating the success of this world renowned bull, Dairy Agenda Today has a special offer for those wanting to promote their special Goldwyn daughter. Beginning on November 15th, the 24 Karat Goldwyn Promotion is featured stage where breeders and owners can shine a spotlight on that special Goldwyn in their herd. Find out how you can be a part of this special offering by contacting any one of the Dairy Agenda Today Sales Team:

Larry Kleiner – 217-827-3468

Tim Schmidt – 563-542-6377

Amy Savage – 804-306-8925

Ron Schaap – 608-334-2348

Kat Vorkink - 816-536-6364



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